December 26, 2024

Satellite TV signal is about to expire

3 min read
Satellite TV signal is about to expire

The TV signal that Brazilians love, the satellite dish is about to explode and you must do it so that the TV does not run out at home

New technologies are advancing faster and faster and making changes in all sectors, and now it is the TV signal DishOh my darling Brazilians, and it’s about to end and you have to do this so you don’t run out.

For those who don’t know, the TV signal received by older satellite dishes in Brazil will be turned off in early 2024 and, if necessary, could be delayed until December 31, 2025.

The TV signal from the old satellite dishes in Brazil will be turned off due to interference problems with the new 5G internet signal, which is the new generation of the Internet and operates in frequency bands close to the signal from the old satellite dish, which may cause interference in the signal.

5G can make the internet faster and of better quality (Image: Clone / Hardware)
5G can make the internet faster and of better quality (Image: Clone / Hardware)

| According to information from Century’s New Business supervisor, Helio Cesar, who spoke in an interview with G1 about the new signal, when he said: “The frequencies are very close, and this causes the 5G signal to overlap with the old dish, making it impossible for the two technologies to coexist,” the expert explains. “.

Anatel provides 5G (Image: Clone/Tec Tudo)
Anatel provides 5G (Image: Clone/Tec Tudo)

This happens because signal range is like a “highway” in the air, where signals, and the old satellite dish, traffic travel in the same frequency range as 5G internet, in the C band.

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With the end of the old satellite dish, the alternative for those who wish to continue using open TV services will be to use the new satellite dish, which operates in another frequency band, which will not be affected by the 5G Internet, which has been already available for some time in the market, which is digital signage.

popularly known asParabolic trough, the digital signal operates in the Ku band, and transmits to “Zigzag” antennas and internal antennas.

How to buy new pneumatic?

The installation kit for the new satellite dish, which comes with antenna, receiver, control and cables, can be found between 500 BRL and 700 BRL in online stores, in early 2023. However, there are cheaper alternatives, such as “fishbone” antennas, which They cost between R$70 and R$30.

And there is still the possibility to obtain it for free, only for those who are part of CadÚnico, and meet the following requirements:

Have an old/traditional dish that works and is registered with a federal government social program, such as Auxílio Brasil (formerly Bolsa Família), Social Electricity Tariff, ID Jovem, Carteira do Idoso, Casa Verde e Amarela.

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