3 hours agoattributed to him, NASAIllustrative image, At the height of this phenomenon, the Earth's shadow will cover more than...
The next leap in human civilization may be in the stars. More specifically in the field of stellar energy: a...
Payment will be made from December, in full to those with the lowest amount, up to 2,400 million R$ and...
Next Friday (11/19) A Lunar eclipse My history will occur in the longest period of the century and also the...
Minas S / eh More than 3,000 co-operative members of Unimed-BH participated in the 16th edition daily and took place...
Vaccination against Covid-19 continues in primary health care units this Tuesday (16) – Wake Up City
Published on 11/15/2021 21:26. Photo: Marcelo Casal Jr. / Agencia Brasil City wake up The Municipal Health Service (SMS) will...
The last patient hospitalized with Covid at Ronaldo Gasola Municipal Hospital, in Acari, in the northern region of Rio, received...
https://br.sputniknews.com/202111114/rover-da-nasa-revela-algo-que-nunca-ninguem-viu-no-interior-de-rocha-em-marte-fotos--19763143.htmlNASA Rover reveals 'something no one's seen before' inside a rock on Mars (PHOTOS) NASA Rover reveals 'something no one's...
NS brain It is by far one of the most complex things we know and even today we try to...
Mamatos impressed the residents of the Argentine province of Cordoba yesterday afternoon | social networks Residents of several cities in...