December 21, 2024

SES managers and technicians take part in the journey of understanding SUS

3 min read
SES managers and technicians take part in the journey of understanding SUS

With high participation – more than 500 participants – this Tuesday (16), Journey to understand SUSwith the introduction of the first episode, with the theme Planning, Networking, Localization and Finance at SUS.

Sponsored by Kunas, with the target audience of the members of the Technical Chambers of the Council, the trip aims to support the initiation of the activities of the Technical Chambers, by presenting and discussing topics relevant to the management of the Brazilian health system, from a comprehensive system, including its functioning, organization, policies and guidelines, such as universality, equity and integration .

Technical rooms are spaces dedicated to discussing and analyzing national SUS policies, from the point of view of state administration. It is also a space for strengthening and integrating professionals from the state health secretariats, with the aim of exchanging experiences.

Divided into six virtual episodes, the ride will take place from March 16th to April 4th, always from 9am to 10:30am.

The first episode featured the Conass staff: Rita de Cássia Bertão Cataneli, Technical Advisor, and Antonio Carlos Rosa de Oliveira Jr., Administrative and Finance Coordinator. Rene Moreira dos Santos, Institutional Development Coordinator, mediated.

Planning, networks and regionalization

In her presentation, Rita Cattanelli emphasized Brazil’s continental dimension and its social and regional disparities, showing that the North and the Northeast have the highest level of inequality.

It also highlighted the crisis of the welfare model. According to Cattanelli, regionalism, which is the basis of the SUS organizational model, has been the most effective response to reduce fragmentation of health systems, with the aim of expanding access and resolving health procedures and services.

On health care networks (RAS), the technical advisor stated that they are organizational arrangements for health procedures and services, of different technological densities that, integrated through technical, logistical and administrative support systems, seek to ensure the integration of care.

He explained that the constituents of RAS are:

  • Population: The number of residents registered in the health care network.
  • Logical Model: Healthcare Model
  • Operational Structure: Components of the Health Care Network

In addition to localization, the offer included integrated regional planning and management of healthcare networks.

SUS financing

In the context of the issue of SUS financing, Antonio Jr. made a brief analysis of the current situation, highlighting some aspects of the economic, political and financial crises and their effects on the issue of financing public health actions and services.

With regard to the responsibility of the SUS administration, Antonio Jr. clarified that, according to the first clause, of Art. 198 of CF, the direction of SUS is unique, in that it is practiced by the following bodies in every area of ​​government:

  • Ministry of Health within the Federation
  • State Department of Health or equivalent body in the States and DF
  • Municipal health secretariat or equivalent body in municipalities.

As for the health management process flow, he highlighted planning, financing and operational tools. He explained that SUS forms of financing consist of transfers from one fund to another, through agreements, transfer contracts, and by the duration of decentralized implementation (TED).

Regarding the regular and automatic transfer from one fund to another, he stated that it is a transfer of resources that takes place between health funds on a regular basis, regardless of similar agreements or instruments.

The presentation dealt with several topics such as the management cycle, the public budget, the dimensions of public spending, the legal basis for forms of financing, the legal nature of health funds, as well as the challenges in managing SUS resources.

Supporting material for Journey to understand SUS It is a Kunas publication: Information for the SUS State Administration.

Premiere Shows

Planning, networking and localization in SUS

SUS financing

Trip schedule – upcoming episodes

  • The second episode – primary care and health control – 3/21
  • Episode 3 – Specialized, Medium and High Complexity Care – 03/23
  • Episode 4 – Pharmaceutical Assistance and Technological Incorporation – 28/3
  • Fifth Episode – Information and Informatics in Health and Communication – 03/04
  • Episode 6 – Federal Relationships and Agreements Between Principals in SUS: The Roles of Conass, CIB, and CIT – 04/04.

Eskom Kunas

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(61) 3222-3000

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