October 18, 2024

Support with suggestions for liturgical songs

6 min read
Support with suggestions for liturgical songs

The liturgical music sector of the Episcopal Pastoral Committee of the Liturgy of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) provides support with proposals for liturgical hymns for Pentecost, which will be celebrated on June 5th.

The material places each hymn at the moment of celebration, highlighting its relationship to the liturgical texts and the event of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon early Christians.

“The song suggestions we present here, guided by the general instructions of the Roman Missal, are taken as standards for opposites of entrance, offering and communion, all extracted from the Progressive and Roman Missal, and which can be used in CNBB’s liturgical music sector advisor, Brother Fernando Benedetto Vieira,” explains the CNBB liturgical music sector advisor, Brother Fernando Benedetto Vieira. Vespers and Pentecost.

As he explains itThere is “a great difference between religious songs, collective animation songs, religious songs, and liturgical songs.” In singing the liturgy, he asserts, “You do not improvise, you do not sing anything anywhere. It is necessary to understand well what it means to take part in the liturgy and that there are different kinds of chants in the liturgy: this singing is characterized by the famous mysteries of the liturgy and the place and function of singing in the totality of the rite of celebration .”.

Check out the scholarship (download it as a PDF here):


Songs taken from the CNBB liturgical hymn based on hierarchy, Roman mass, etc.

Pentecost, found in the Bible, is the feast of the early Christians, inherited from the festive heritage of the people of Israel. Fifty days after the Resurrection, Jesus Christ sent His Spirit to them, as He promised, that they might fulfill the commandment of love. In the Roman liturgy, the texts of the invocation liturgy and the liturgy of the day express this event well, which marks the effective beginning of evangelization. in the liturgy Music is an integral part of the puzzle, so it performs its ritual function whenever it is closely associated with sacred acts. The song suggestions we present here, guided by IGMR, are taken as criteria for entrance antiphons, offerings and communion, all extracted from Roman liturgy and liturgy, which can be used in Vespers and Prayer ceremonies. The fiftieth day.

Corner of the entrance to the vigil:

Vigil Antiphon: “God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by his Spirit who dwells in us, Hallelujah!”

In the Antiphon from the Epistle to the Romans, St. Paul will give us hope, because he does not disappoint. For even when we were in sin, God reconciled us in his Son Jesus Christ, and even more so now with the sending of the Holy Spirit, in whom the Paraclete, the Defender, comes to us. Inspired by this purpose, composers Frei Joel Postma, Frei Wanderson, Sr. Jose Alves, Sr. Tarcísia and Gílson Celerino perform their tunes.

Today’s Entry Corner:

Antiphon Day: “The Spirit of the Lord filled the universe. He gathers all things and teaches all languages, Alleluia.

The Book of Wisdom shows us the image of the Holy Spirit, even if it is veiled. Wisdom is the soul that loves man, it is in the heart of every man that listens to his voice. It is the Spirit that lifts us up to pray and praise God, and shouts in us “Abba,” O Father; Without him we wouldn’t be able to. It is the same whining that knows all languages, that fills the whole earth like a gentle breeze, and knows every sound, and that voice reaches the Lord. Composers Reginaldo Veloso, Sr. Joel Postma and Freire and Anderson are also inspired by this antiphon and make us sing these beautiful melodies.

Options for both groups:

Responsive Psalm:

Psalm 103 (104) – R. Send your soul, O Lord, and renew the face of the whole earth.

or. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Sequence (today’s block):

The Pentecost sequence comes from very old church traditions. The author of this song was a true harp of God played by the Holy Spirit Himself. Her voices will remain as long as humanity, in sincere prayer, to the “Father of the Poor”. Whoever sees the need of his heart, and whoever sympathizes with everything that moves his heart and the hearts of his brothers, and whoever meditates, as he contemplates the text and its melodic development, in the work of the Holy Spirit in the souls and the Church. He will arrive at the most appropriate interpretation of this wonderful song. (Author unknown) Composers Sr. Jose Webber Friar and Anderson Freitas, Brother. Maria T. Colling and Sr. Joel Postma presents their tunes.


Gospel lullaby:

Presentation of the display corner (night and day):

Antiphon: “Confirm in us, O God, what you have done in us Thy temple which is in Jerusalem, Alleluia! “

From Psalm 66 (67), the antiphon for offering is taken from the Progressive Simplicity, a hymnbook formulated during the Second Vatican Council. The Church wants to remind us of our origin, where the Spirit spoke. First through the prophets, then through Christ Himself in the Temple in Jerusalem. The Church now asks that the same Spirit continue to guide us, manifesting in us the Seven Gifts. Inspired by this purpose, composers Sr. Joel Postma, Frye Wanderson Freitas, Reginaldo Veloso, Fry Fabriti, R. Maria T. Colling and Andre Zamor give us beautiful tunes.

The oblation corner of the vigil:

Antiphon: “On the last day of the feast, Jesus cried: If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink, Hallelujah!”

In the context of the conclusion of the great Feast of Khayyam in the Gospel of Saint John, the thirsty Christ calls. Through the liturgical aspect, Pentecost ends the season of Easter, the great fifty-day Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord. Whoever believes in Jesus, rivers of living water will flow from him. This is the sign of the Holy Spirit that they had to accept, and this was done after the glorification of Christ. Reginaldo Veloso, Franco Berrettini and Sr. Míria T.Kolling brings us their beautiful tunes.

Song of the Day Communion:

Antiphon Day: “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaimed the wonders of God, Hallelujah!”

The Acts of the Apostles records the birth of the Church. On the day of Pentecost, they all gathered in the attic. The Virgin Mary was with them, when a strong wind came down from heaven, blowing on the apostles like tongues of fire, and so they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and went out to proclaim the great wonders of God. Here the apostles receive the necessary impetus to carry forward the message of Christ. “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all, and your sons and daughters will prophesy.” The promise was fulfilled. Composers were father. Joel Postma, Frey and Anderson Freitas, Ir. Miria T.Kolling and Gílson Celerino present their beautiful Antiphon-inspired compositions.

The last praise song

  • Lord send! (Lyrics: Mother Tarcísia | Music: Jose Alves) Sheet music: Liturgical Hymnal of the CNBB – Vol. The second – Easter cycle, p. 219
  • Lord’s Spirit is mine (Words and music: Fr. Jose Webber, SVD) Sheet music: Liturgical Hymnal of the CNBB – Vol. The second – Easter cycle, p. 264
  • Come, Spirit of Light (Andre Zamor and Father Lucio Floro) https://youtu.be/QKUQ-XR4MsU
  • Covering God’s Love (Father Miria T. Colling and Father Lucio Floro) https://youtu.be/BxvL5wsACYg
  • Come Holy Spirit, come! (Words and music: DR) Sheet music: Liturgical Hymnal of the CNBB – Vol. The second – Easter cycle, p. 302
  • When you breathe God’s spirit (Lyrics & Music: Ze Vicente) https://youtu.be/Iq9v14IztBI

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