October 9, 2024

The Big Bang that gave rise to the universe may not be unique

2 min read
The Big Bang that gave rise to the universe may not be unique

Everyone has certainly heard about it the great explosion, responsible for the initial stage of development of the universe, which had a dense and hot surface. And to our surprise, the theory is that the Big Bang that most of us know might not have been the only one. Keep reading to find out more about this.

Did more than one Big Bang happen?

The expansion of the universe in another version of the Big Bang can be detected with the help of experiments to detect possible gravitational motions. It still can’t say with certainty that there was more than one Big Bang, however researchers She has a positive outlook.

Scientists call this phenomenon the dark Big Bang, in contrast to the hot Big Bang, which is the famous explosion known as the origin of matter and the universe. The second, dark, is formed by the formation of dark matter, possibly radiation, at the same time or after the hot.

The research’s starting point was the scientists’ curiosity to understand the composition of dark matter, which today occupies a large part of the available mass in the universe.

Similarly, the scientists’ theory is that the same phenomenon responsible for creating radiation and particles also gave rise to dark matter.

And if until that time the topic of dark matter was not of great interest to some people in the scientific community, today it offers a completely different path, with the study of Kathryn Friese and Martin Wolfgang Winkler.

For them, dark matter had a separate evolutionary path from that of ordinary matter.

Thus, while studies of the traditional phenomenon need not change, new knowledge about the formation of dark matter is gaining ground through a separate track.

A benefit of the new scientific discovery is that phenomena can be compared, such as estimating when the dark big bang occurred. To them, the universe wasn’t even a month old when dark matter formed.

Likewise, gravitational waves have been discovered by researchers and may be in the works even billions of years after the Big Bang.

Today, they use pulse timing arrays to be able to detect the presence of gravitational waves.

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