September 11, 2024

The formation of two extratropical cyclones creates a remnant hazard and wind gusts in the SC

2 min read
The formation of two extratropical cyclones creates a remnant hazard and wind gusts in the SC

The Santa Catarina Civil Defense states that the situation is considered normal for this time of year when climate science indicates the formation of a hurricane every week in this area.

Image: DCSC/Disclosure/ND

The state’s civil defense warned Friday night that two extratropical cyclones are expected to form on Brazil’s southern coast, which could create surfing hazards and wind gusts in Santa Catarina.

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According to the device, the situation is considered normal for the time of year when the weather indicates the formation of a weekly hurricane in this region.

Hurricane formation

The first shall be formed during Sunday (8) over the sea between the south coast of Santa Catarina and the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul.

The greatest impact of this system should be observed in the state in the morning with moderate rain occurring and accumulating from 40mm to 50mm in 24 hours reaching as far south as the south coast.

The second hurricane tends to form between Monday (11) and Tuesday (12) bringing rain and more intense winds and leaving the sea rough and at risk of tailings in Santa Catarina.

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Still according to the Civil Defense, since its formation tends to occur between the coast of Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay, the greatest impact should be felt in Santa Catarina in relation to the southerly winds in the coastal strip and sea turbulence with the state of coastal storms and floods.

“The civil defense team of meteorologists constantly monitors the forecast, formation and behavior of meteorological systems that affect the situation, and is already evaluating the development of forecasts of these systems. If necessary, it will issue warnings and alerts in a timely manner to prepare for and respond to possible events, ”adds the body.

With information from ND +

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