December 28, 2024

The new drawing issues R$1,000, but the revision issues R$10,000 more

2 min read
Novo saque do FGTS libera R$ 1 mil, mas revisão libera mais de R$ 10 mil

In March, the government announced a new package to transfer Economie. Among the proposed measures is the release of an emergency withdrawal from the FGTS, available to millions of Brazilians.

The maximum withdrawal is R$1,000 and will be available to any worker who earns more than one minimum wage. However, there is still another possibility: the revision of the FGTS, which can issue more than 10 thousand Brazilian reals. So, to find out more, check it out below!

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The new FGTS draw issues R$1,000, but the review issues R$10,000 more

Thus, what many people do not know about the FGTS is that the accumulated balance of the fund can be corrected. This is due to the low monetary correction that has occurred since 1999. This results in, on average, R$10,000 per capita. This process is called an FGTS review.

Thus, all workers who have or have had credit in the FGTS since 1999 are entitled to request a review. Since that period, the fund’s values ​​have been corrected by the reference rate (TR) index, which is below inflation.

This generates huge losses for the worker. Now, the action awaiting the decision of the STF asks to replace the TR with another index, more in line with real inflation.

Finally, for this, the first step is the audit account. But be careful: this is a calculation that may take some time, as it includes the full history of all calculations since TR started not keeping track of inflation. That is, the past 23 years. However, this can be calculated for free through the website. FGTS LOIT.

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Photo: Brastock /