December 22, 2024

The operating room will monitor monkeypox in the country – cities

1 min read
The operating room will monitor monkeypox in the country - cities

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The Ministry of Health has set up a case room to monitor the monkeypox scenario – the monkeypox virus – in Brazil. The measure, announced by the ministry on Monday evening (23), aims to develop an action plan for tracking suspected cases and defining the clinical and laboratory diagnosis of the disease.

“To date, there is no notification of suspected cases of the disease in the country. The file has sent to the states a risk statement about the pathology, with guidance for health professionals and information available to date about the disease,” the Department of Health, Health, reported in the note.

Surveillance of diseases likely to cause public health emergencies is monitored by the Strategic Information Center on Health Surveillance (Cievs Nacional), which operates on a permanent basis, discovering information 24 hours a day.

Monkeypox is a viral disease endemic to the African continent, with moderate human-to-human transmission.

Last Saturday, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation established, in an advisory capacity, a temporary technical research room called Pox MCTI RoomTo follow scientific developments on the monkeypox virus known as monkeypox.

Scientific monitoring, in consultation with experts, is necessary, according to the agency, in light of cases of infection recorded in countries such as Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States, in May this year.

* Source: Agência Brasil

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