September 21, 2024

“They destroy Brazilian science and weaken innovative industry,” says physicist Luiz Davidovich.

2 min read - Físico  Luiz Davidovich

For the president of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the science portfolio is “suffering from the consequences of a wrong economic policy”

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247 – In an interview with CartaCapital, the president of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, physicist Luiz Davidovich, referred to the technical and budgetary dismantling of the science and technology sector promoted by Jair Bolsonaro’s government.

“The Ministry of Science and Technology is suffering from the consequences of misguided economic policy, which combines accounting spreadsheets on Excel with short-term electoral interests,” he said.

For him, one of the greatest examples of the deconstruction going on are the cuts to the budgets of the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development, FNDCT, and CNPq. The federation’s release of R$2.7 billion to the fund was classified as “crumbs”.

The physicist stressed that “this value corresponds to one-sixth of the adjustments in the secret budget.” “The resources promised to CNPq have simply been diverted to other purposes, preventing the implementation of important national development programmes. Should we attribute this to poor management by MCTI or CNPq? No! However, we should point out to those responsible for the Minister of Economy and other components of the Council The budget is in this difficult situation: the ministers of the Civil House and the Secretariat of the Government. They are the ones who destroy Brazilian science, weaken the innovative industry. The Congress is also responsible for this, having approved the transfer of FNDCT resources for credit and change in PLN-16,” he added.

Read the full interview at capital letter.

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