December 27, 2024

US submarine hits unknown plateau, investigation points – News

1 min read
Países vivem tensão política após manobras militares no Pacífico e exibição de novas armas

The first results of an investigation released on Monday (1) show that a US nuclear-powered submarine was severely damaged in an accident while sailing in the South China Sea last October and collided with a pile that does not appear on the map. )

“The investigation found that the USS collided in unknown waters while operating in the international waters of Connecticut Indo-Pacific region“, A spokesman for the 7th Fleet said in a statement.

A spokesman said the findings of the investigation had been handed over to Vice Admiral Carl Thomas, commander of the 7th Fleet operating in the region, to determine whether sanctions should be adopted.

The USS Connecticut, SeaWolf nuclear-powered submarine struck an unidentified object on October 2 while sailing underwater in the South China Sea. 11 sailors were injured.

The ship was supposed to land, but was able to reach the American island of Guam in the Pacific. The Chinese claimed ownership of the entire South China Sea, where they built small islands and coral reefs.

You United States And allies continue to patrol the region’s international maritime area.

The U.S. Navy, an independent analysis center affiliated with the U.S. Navy, reported that the crash caused minor and moderate damage to the ship. The submarine’s nuclear power plant was not damaged.

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