September 15, 2024

Using social media at night can be bad for your sleep; understand

2 min read
Using social media at night can be bad for your sleep;  understand

a Sleeps It plays an important role in the health and well-being of every individual. Its absence can lead to a series of complications that begin to affect the quality of life.

Although it is common to focus on foods that should not be consumed or on activities that should be performed in order to live a healthy life, it is also important to highlight that there is a certain impact on health caused by another activity: Social media moments before falling asleep.

A study conducted by Duke University in the United States proved that posting an hour before bedtime can have a significant impact on lack of sleep. More than 40,000 people followed this research, which attracted enough attention for the paper to share daily Mail.

What causes poor sleep?

But what exactly prevents a person from falling asleep after creating a post? Apparently, when a post is posted on social networks, the human body receives a rush of adrenaline, which acts as one of the main blockers of the hormones that promote sleep.

In addition, the anxiety of waiting for feedback or answers can make a person more observant. Another important factor to consider is the exposure to blue light found in electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, and computers. This light impairs the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep cycle.

Therefore, in addition to the emotional and psychological effects caused by the posts, exposure to blue light can also hinder a person’s ability to relax and sleep.

To maintain a healthy sleep, it is recommended to avoid posting on social networks or using electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime.

In addition, creating a relaxation routine before going to bed, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques, is excellent for improving anyone’s sleep quality.

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