December 8, 2024

Will Facta release the Auxílio Brasil loan? Detect menu

3 min read
Will Facta release the Auxílio Brasil loan?  Detect menu

Facta Financeira, one of the finance companies authorized to operate the Auxílio Brasil loan, pre-registered it before the credit limit was regulated, and is now leaving the beneficiaries in doubt as to the continuity of the payroll loan.

Several banks started the beneficiary registration process even before the loan was approved and regulated. Preliminary information that the government will not limit the interest and the number of installments, which ended up not being confirmed. With Order 816, the Citizenship Department established a cap of 3.5% interest per month, which eventually drove some banks away.

Banco Safra was one of the first to abandon the payroll loan, even if it was enabled. Banco Pan, after conducting thousands of pre-registrations, decided to act, but began a credit analysis of interested clients, which led to the cancellation of contracts.

On the other hand, Facta Financeira, which initially confirmed the participation and pre-registration, did not confirm the continuation of the Auxílio Brasil loan.

Will Facta release the Auxílio Brasil loan?

In the official figures of Facta, the standard letter informs that the financing company is evaluating the Auxílio Brasil loan regulation and that it will inform clients soon.

Facta-certified bank correspondents don’t know how to accurately report the Matrix website. While some suggest pre-registrations may be cancelled, others report that Facta must confirm participation and adjust pre-registration contracts to an interest rate limit of 3.5% per month.

Facta does not provide contacts to the press and none of the bank’s official numbers provide objective answers. The wording of the public consultation leaves room for a formal position on the financial facts.

List of Auxílio Brasil . Loan Banks

There are 12 banks eligible to operate the Auxílio Brasil Payroll Loan. Among them, in addition to Facta, are banks such as Caixa and Pan.

  • Federal Savings Bank
  • Banco Agibank S/A
  • Banco Crefisa S / A
  • Banco Daycoval S / A
  • Banco Pan S/A
  • Banco Safra S / A
  • Capital Consig Sociedade de Crédito Direto S / A
  • Facta Financeira S/A Credit, Finance and Investment
  • Pintos S/A . Loans
  • QI Sociedade de Crédito Direto S / A
  • Value Sociedade de Crédito Direto S / A
  • Zema Credit, Finance and Investment S/A

What is Auxílio Brasil Payroll Loan?

The Auxílio Brasil loan, authorized by Law No. 14,431 and regulated by Decree No. 816, allows a discount of up to 40% of the basic benefits paid to repay the loan, providing a margin of at least R$160 per month.

Where can I apply for an Auxílio Brasil loan?

A beneficiary of Auxílio Brasil can apply for a transmitter credit at one of 12 accredited institutions. Caixa, Banco Pan and many other banks are enabled.

Can passive people apply for an Auxílio Brasil loan?

All Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries can apply for a payroll loan. However, the release criteria are specific to each bank. Banco Pan, one of the first companies to announce the line of credit, decided to adopt internal analytics and cancel some contracts.

What is the maximum interest rate?

Decree No. 816 established the collection of interest at a maximum of 3.5% per month. No bank can charge more than that.

Do I need to pay to apply for an Auxílio Brasil loan?

number! Order 816 makes it clear that no bank can charge an administration fee or a fee to join the Auxílio Brasil Payroll Loan. Bank correspondents who charge fees behave erratically and must be reported.

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