December 22, 2024

With access to 80% of occupied general intensive care units, Pernambuco surpasses the record number of 400 patients waiting for a bed

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With access to 80% of occupied general intensive care units, Pernambuco surpasses the record number of 400 patients waiting for a bed

Epidemic H3N2 flu In Pernambuco, which is gaining strength by the day, especially in Recife, the hospital experience is, once again, making a stress that pushes health professionals to plunge into exhaustion and exhaustion. After two intense waves of COVID-19 in the state (in 2020 and 2021), Doctors, nurses and other staff in the area return to work in shifts to save lives of people with severe acute respiratory syndrome (srag). With 80% of its intensive care (ICU) spaces and 74% of wards occupied by patients with this condition, Pernambuco resumes peak coronavirus scenarios, with intensive care units housing nearly all patients on mechanical ventilation (on a ventilator) and more than 400 people are on the waiting list for a place in intensive care or nursing. The data is from the State Regulatory Commission for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (srag), corresponds to the general household and was referenced on Wednesday night (5), according to a report GC.

Read also: With the spread of the flu epidemic, Recife announced the suspension of the Carnival in 2022

In addition to rushing (flu Usually occurring more frequently than in March), the current flu has an important difference from previous strains: it is highly contagious and has a short incubation period. That is, many people became ill at the same time and very quickly after exposure to the virus.

“I had a sudden deterioration (increase in patients) in the last three weeks. It was very sudden. Everything was calm relative to what was expected from the ICU. But soon many people started showing up in hospitals with a picture (of influenza) Very strong. Now, the ten beds in the service I work in are always busy. The profile of patients is kind of attractive; most of them are intubated (by srag),” says Dr. Beatrice Fried, who currently works in two hospitals that provide assistance to srag patients.

In each shift, the doctor says there is 60% to 70% on mechanical ventilation (on a ventilator). “Before the flu outbreak, we had empty beds, most of the people in the intensive care unit were under control, with a nasal catheter (a tube with two extensions, connected to a machine to supply oxygen through the nose). There was a day, shortly after a vacancy in the care unit was released. Focused, I was already receiving instructions to receive a new patient. This indicates that the family is not vacant for a moment,” he adds.

Just as there is a waiting list for adult intensive care beds, there is a waiting list for pediatric vacancies. Yesterday, there were 13 requests for places in the pediatric intensive care unit and another 26 beds in the ward for the same age group. “In the case of pregnant women, the situation is sensitive as well. We have noticed an increase in the number of pregnant women with respiratory diseases in the intensive care unit,” explains Beatrice, who also works in the intensive care service in the obstetrics area.

More family

According to the Pernambuco government, since December 24, 329 new vacancies have opened in the state network – among them 119 are in the intensive care unit. Forecasts indicate that in the next few days, another 149 beds will be established, 80 of which are in the intensive care unit and 69 are in the dispensary. “We are working to ensure assistance to those in need, and to put in place an emergency plan, because we have a strong pressure on the health network, both in emergency situations and in the inpatient sectors. Thus, we are resuming our efforts to divert the beds for care from respiratory diseases,” said the Minister of Health of Pernambuco, Andre Longo. “But I assure that despite these efforts, the state government alone will not be able to win this battle. Promoting the use of masks, hand washing and an avoidance of crowds attitude are measures to protect life. In addition, everyone showing symptoms of influenza should self-isolate and wear a mask. Even inside.”

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