September 11, 2024

With the scorching sun, the Chinese sell clothing and accessories to protect the skin | climate

1 min read
With the scorching sun, the Chinese sell clothing and accessories to protect the skin |  climate

A woman wearing sunscreen walks down a street in hot weather in Shanghai on May 29, 2023 – Image: Getty Images

With temperatures reaching a record high of 40 degrees Celsius in many cities across China, methods of protection from the scorching sun have become a hot topic in the country, with various kinds of products selling out on the shelves.

according to ReutersAccessories are sold such as hats with UV protection and hoods known as “facekinis,” which hide most of the face except for the eyes—mostly worn by women looking for head-to-toe protection. Many clothing and accessory brands have launched new products including UV protection.

As a result, data from China Insights Consultancy shows that China’s sunscreen apparel market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% from 2021 to 2026, with a market size of 95.8 billion yuan (R$ 64.89 billion) in 2026. At Alibaba Group, one of the country’s major retailers, sales of “new generation” sunscreen clothing grew 180% in 2023 over the previous year.

In 2022, China experienced the most severe heat wave on record in terms of duration, extent, intensity, and impact. This year, Shanghai recorded the highest May temperature in 100 years, and the summer that just started promises to be scorching again.

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