December 27, 2024

8 out of 10 Brazilian families are heavily indebted

2 min read
8 out of 10 Brazilian families are heavily indebted

A monthly survey conducted by the National Federation of Trade, Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) showed that for every hundred Brazilian households, 79 In debt. Most debts are related to the simplest calculations, that is, we are talking about water, electricity, telephone, Internet, store brochures, car or house installments.

Read more: Survey: 18% of Brazilians were late in food expenses

As a result, many of them retarded Not being able to pay bills on time. It has become an election promise by Brazil’s leading presidential candidates, as is essentially the case with Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who are vying for the position in the second round.

Brazilian families in debt

According to data from Serrasa, Brazil currently has more than 67 million people in default. The total debt is 289 billion Brazilian Real. In the case of President and re-election candidate Jair Bolsonaro, the way out for indebted Brazilian families is to expand the job supply.

Generating more jobs, according to the candidate, can open up more opportunities for Brazilians to get jobs and income. This will also be reflected on Economie and purchasing power, which helps inflation. Despite this, the candidate does not highlight any specific procedure for renegotiating existing debts.

Lula says that, if elected, he intends to create a debt renegotiation program for families, as well as for small and medium-sized businesses. The initiative aims to obtain the support of public banks, in addition to partnerships with private banks. Through the program, it is expected to create better options for negotiate of existing debts.

The program should be called “Desenrola”, according to information that was published during the presidential candidate’s campaign. The idea is to make it easier to pay off debts in general. Initially, the goal is to create easier conditions for families who receive up to three minimum wages.

After the first installment, which is the lowest in income, has been met, the proposal is to extend it to those who earn higher salaries, but who are also debits, passive and indebted. difficulty To pay bills by deadlines.

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