September 8, 2024

A teenager with nose, mouth and ear bleeding is discharged from hospital in SP without a diagnosis: “I am in shock,” says the mother; Video | More health

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A teenager with nose, mouth and ear bleeding is discharged from hospital in SP without a diagnosis: “I am in shock,” says the mother;  Video |  More health

young woman Enter the hospital with bleeding in the nose, mouth and ear He was discharged from the hospital even without diagnosing the problem. Spent a week at Santa Casa de saintsOn the coast of Sao Paulo. to me g 1The teenage mother reveals her despair at the lack of answers. The health unit, in turn, claims that the patient underwent “all examinations” and was evaluated by specialists.

Discharged Wednesday morning (15), around 7 a.m. According to diarist Maria Ausilin Soares, the girl’s mother, the day before, the medical staff in Santa Casa had asked two family members to come to the scene to spread the news. The woman and the patient’s other brother-in-law were frustrated with the answer, as they were waiting for a diagnosis.

I left home at five in the morning. I waited until seven in the morning. The director of the hospital and the doctor on duty simply came to say they had found nothing and I was discharged from the hospital. It was a snowy shower, and I’m in shock so far.

– Maria Ausilin Soares, the patient’s mother

According to Maria Uslin, The aforementioned doctor, whose name has not been released, reported that it would not be possible to determine the cause of the bleeding at the site. “He said Santa Casa wasn’t able to figure out her problem. He said it all.”. a g 1 The health unit questioned about the allegation, but received no response.

In a note, Santa Casa de saints Confirms the patient’s discharge on the mentioned date. The health unit also informs that the young woman in question has “Bleeding from the ear, nose, and mouth for three years, initially monitored by SUS [Serviço Único de Saúde] And then, by health workers“.

Also according to the content sent to the report, this is the second time that the hospital has been discharged after treatment. This year, the young woman’s first visit to Santa Casa took place between May 20 and April 3.

A 17-year-old girl is hospitalized in Santa Casa de Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, with bleeding from her nose, mouth and ears – Photo: Personal Archive

“In both cases, all examinations were performed, including an MRI of the skull and face. The patient was also evaluated by specialists in neurology, otolaryngology, pulmonology and general clinic services, and no injury was identified at the bleeding site.”The hospital completes the note.

Holy House saints it adds, Since the patient is followed up as an outpatient and without the need to stay in the hospital for diagnostic tests, she was taken out of all specialty checkups and assessments. Performed while in the hospital for follow-up follow-up.

The family says the young woman has been suffering from nose, mouth and ear bleeding since April 2019.. According to the mother: Chest or head pain that precedes attacks. Maria Osselin also emphasizes that the events do not respect any logic, as intervals of up to three months have been established by the family between one case and the next.

Also, according to the teen’s mother, the family had been mobilized since the first bleeding, however, even after several visits to other health units, a diagnosis was not given.

Videos: g1 in 1 minute saints

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