July 27, 2024

Elements of the National Front for the Maidan and the City Conflict occupy a farm in Rozana | Head of Prudente and District

3 min read
Elements of the National Front for the Maidan and the City Conflict occupy a farm in Rozana |  Head of Prudente and District
Elements of the National Front for the Maidan and the City Conflict occupy a farm in Rozana |  Head of Prudente and District

Elements of the National Front to fight in the field and the city, FNL, occupied Thursday, 16 in Fazenda Santa Rita in Rozana (SP).

Representatives of the social movement demand the allocation of the area for planting rural settlements for agrarian reform.

According to the FNL, about 200 families of landless rural workers participate in the occupation.

Also according to the social movement, the area of ​​the farm is about 700 hectares.

The Frontier TV It requested an official position from the Land Institute of the State of São Paulo (Itesp) on the matter, and in a note, the state agency informed that it, through its Executive Director, is aware of the occupation and is following up the case in the municipality Rozana Through consulting mediation in land disputes.

FNL elements occupy a farm Thursday (16) in Rozana (SP) – Photo: FNL

Last month, in an exclusive interview with g 1 and the Frontier TVIn relation to land disputes affecting the Presidente Prudente (SP) region, the Governor of the State of São Paulo, Rodrigo Garcia (PSDB), declared that he no longer believed in agrarian reform as a tool for inclusion and also emphasized that It does not intend to establish new rural settlements for landless workers.

“We have been able to move forward with the regulation of the existing settlements and have started to support the regulation of medium and large properties. Because when you organize the settlements, you bring in the investment,” he said during a visit to President Prudente.

“Today, there is a project in progress in the legislature, and I hope it will be approved as soon as possible, and approved, so that we can take that step of regulation that will open the door to a lot of investment. So, the guy from the field will have an income It’s bigger, and it’s going to generate more jobs, so it’s a very big effort,” he continued.

“I have said personally that I no longer believe in agrarian reform as a tool for inclusion. We need to organize the existing settlements, we need to create the conditions for these settlers to become truly rural landowners and create the conditions for those who have been in the long and peaceful tenure of this property to be able to organize it and that is our goal,” he added. “.

In response to a question about the implementation of the new rural settlements of agrarian reform in the region, he replied:

In my government, that won’t happen [novos assentamentos]I have already stated this many times before, because I no longer believe in it as a tool for productive inclusion. My effort was to organize the existing settlements. We have 30-year-old settlements that haven’t had a title deed yet, and we’re working on regulating them all. We can put the infrastructure in these final settlements and I want the settlers to become rural producers and I don’t see agrarian reform as an option for productive inclusion anymore. Therefore, I have previously declared, in my government, that being here does not occur. And now, all the support for the settlements to become productive, and all the support for the present owners of peaceful property so that the people can organize their rural property.”

FNL elements occupy a farm in Rozana on Thursday (16) – Photo: FNL

FNL elements occupy a farm in Rozana on Thursday (16) – Photo: FNL

Videos: All about the Presidente Prudente

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