December 26, 2024

BBB 22 Queridometro: Gustavo receives 12 controversial emojis this Wednesday | BBB . Nutrition

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BBB 22 Queridometro: Gustavo receives 12 controversial emojis this Wednesday |  BBB . Nutrition

Queridometer for BBB 22 is full of surprises for those bound. This Wednesday morning, 2/16, the brothers handed out emojis from the cutest, like hearts and happy face, to the more controversial, like snake, plant and vomit. At least that’s what Gustavo Sent to lock up colleagues. However, he also got many! 🀭

The businessman sent “bombs” to Bruna GonΓ§alvesAnd JiseilanAnd ViniciusAnd LarissaAnd EliezerAnd Jade Bacon e lais. Douglas Silva He was responsible for receiving a “snake”. to Gustavo, Slovenia e Pedro Scooby are “plants”, Tiago Abravaneland “banana” and Paulo Andre He won “with a broken heart”. 🌱

Who hurt with iron … Gustavo not only hurt, but also took the controversial faces of the brothers. Giseilan gave him a “bomb”. Paulo Andre, Arthur Aguiar, Larissa, Bruna GonΓ§alves and Douglas Silva sent “vomit” to their brother. Slovenia awarded Gustavo the emoji “snake”. And it doesn’t stop there. He got a “broken heart” from Eliezer. Pedro gave the businessman an angry face and Lin da Quebrada a banana. πŸ’£πŸŒπŸπŸ’”

Gustavo wasn’t alone in making controversial faces, huh! Now let’s find out who caused the most uproar. Larissa sent a “snake” to Arthur Aguiar. Arthur Aguiar received an angry face and a “bomb” from Natalia. πŸ˜‘πŸ’£

Vinicius also argued and distributed a “banana” and a “bomb” to Gustavo and Douglas Silva respectively. On Wednesday’s X-Ray, Douglas Silva said the brothers played a joke and sent more controversial emojis to people close to the game and others to their furthest in the game. Explain that it will be a joke… πŸ€”πŸ€”

About torpedoes, check what each brother sent on Wednesday:

Vinicius to Lyn da Quebrada: Saranghai

Slovenia to Lucas: Thank you for being here

Jiseilan to Natalia: I meant you didn’t want to listen… 🎡🎢🎡 Congratulations Mika

Gustavo to Douglas Silva: Today there is a fexxxxtinha

Eliezer to Vinicius: We are broken

Paulo Andre to Arthur Agyar: Continue the dance .. it closes πŸ’’

Natalia to lais: Bah will always be special and we will miss him here ❀❀❀ Tell me

Douglas Silva to Arthur Agyar: Congratulations Tora!

Arthur Agyar to Paulo Andre: Another week bro!!! Thank you for your trust

See the torpedoes sent on “BBB 22” this Wednesday, 2/16 – Photo: Globo

See the torpedoes dispatched at BBB 22 this Wednesday, 2/16 – Photo: Globo

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