September 9, 2024

Blumenau confirms two new deaths from the disease

3 min read
Blumenau confirms two new deaths from the disease

On Tuesday, Blumenau confirmed 14 new deaths from dengue fever in the city. Now, the total number of deaths in the municipality has reached four deaths from the disease that contracted in the city. Three other cases are under investigation at the Santa Catarina Central Public Health Laboratory (Lassen).

The third victim is a 56-year-old man who died on May 7. The fourth victim was an 86-year-old man who died on May 9. In both cases, laboratory confirmation came after an investigation and analysis of genetic material by the State Epidemiological Surveillance Directorate (DIVE/SC) and Lacen.

The first dengue death in the city’s history was of a 94-year-old man, who died on March 21. The second victim was a 24-year-old man who died on May 15.

Dengue fever in numbers

Blumenau this Tuesday, 14, records a total of 6,300 confirmed cases of dengue fever. The figure represents 1,305 more than was recorded last Tuesday, 7, when the municipality had 4,995 cases of the disease – a 26% increase in one week.

This year there are 11,746 notices. Of these, there are already 6,230 purebred cases, that is, contracted in Blumenau. Another 3,712 suspects are awaiting test results. To date, the city has had 2,845 outbreaks of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.


This Tuesday, 14 residents of Blumenau were admitted to city hospitals on suspicion of dengue fever. They are all in a dispensary.

Signs and symptoms

The first manifestation of dengue fever is a rise in temperature (39° to 40°C) from a sudden onset, which lasts from two to seven days, and is associated with headache, weakness, body aches, joints and back. Spots are present on the body in 50% of cases, and they can affect the face, trunk, arms and legs. Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting may also occur.

Outpatient clinics

General Family Outpatient Clinics (AGF) provide outpatient care in city districts. old AGF; AGF Agricultural School; AGF Garcia AGF Fortaleza; AGF Itoupava; AGF Badenfurt and AGF Centro are open Monday through Friday from 7am to 10pm. The Strategic Family Health (ESF) units also provide care to the population. The address and hours of operation of the units are on the City Hall website.

The trend is that users always take the official document in physical form to facilitate service logistics. Passwords are distributed and patients are received one hour before the end of activities, so that professionals can organize the flow and ensure timely care for all.


Residents can also report potential mosquito infestations, by contacting the Dengue Control Program, through OuvidorSUS at phone 156 (option 4) or by phone 3381-7770. The service is available from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5 pm.

How to prevent Aedes aegypti reproduction:

Remove standing water from all containers
Avoid using dishes in potted plants. If used, put sand on the edge
– Store the bottles with the neck facing down
Keep trash cans covered
– Always leave water tanks closed, without any openings, especially water tanks
Plants such as bromeliads should be avoided because they collect water
Treat the pool water with chlorine and clean it once a week
– Keep drains covered with mesh screens to prevent mosquitoes from accessing the site
– Wash containers with water deposits, such as food and water utensils for animals, with a brush or sponge and detergent, at least once a week
– If it is necessary to fill the container with water, as in the case of drains, use hypochlorite
Remove the accumulated water on the tiles
– Flush them at least once a week in toilets that are rarely used
Keep the toilet lid closed
Avoid the accumulation of debris, as it can become a focus for dengue mosquitoes.

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