July 27, 2024

Bolsonaro announces that diesel prices will rise: ‘I am not doing a miracle’

3 min read
Jair Bolsonaro e caminhoneiros em greve
Jair Bolsonaro e caminhoneiros em greve

“There will be a readjustment in a short period of time. It won’t take long. Now I can’t do a miracle,” Bolsonaro told his Alvorada fans.

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247 – Jair Bolsonaro said on Monday (27) that the price of diesel oil should rise in the country soon. During a conversation with his supporters at the entrance to the Palácio do Alvorada, Bolsonaro tried to justify the amendment, saying he could not “make a miracle”.

He declared, “Are the employees unsatisfied? Yes. We even went three months without adjusting diesel. There will be a modification soon. It won’t take long. Now, I can’t do a miracle.”


Also read a Reuters report on this topic:

(Reuters) – Executive Director of Marketing and Logistics, Claudio Mastella, said Petrobras is considering raising fuel prices at its refineries, acknowledging that values ​​are “at times” behind the international market.

Company officials confirmed during a rare press conference with the head of the state oil company Joaquim Silva and Luna that there has been no change in the pricing policy and that the company continues to follow international indicators while avoiding external fluctuations.

Mastella noted that in recent months, there have been significant changes in the international market, but most of them were offset by exchange rate fluctuations in the opposite direction.

However, the reduced supply of oil, especially in the United States, and the perspective of rising international demand for energy sources led to higher values. “As a result, we are looking with more care and attention to the possibility of readaptation, yes,” Mastella said.

“Occasionally, prices are, in part, incompatible with some derivatives, which means that we do, yes, evaluate a price adjustment. This evaluation is internal and technical, and is based on analysis of scenarios… makes a decision based on how the price gap occurs instantly, But based on this gap and anticipate its evolution or maintenance.”

The director noted that there are actors currently importing into Brazil, indicating that Petrobras’ prices are not “detached” from the market.

The Brazilian Association of Fuel Importers (Abicom) calculates there are 14% lags in diesel and 10% in gasoline, according to closing data on Friday.

The last adjustment to the diesel price was made by Petrobras on July 6, while the adjustment to gasoline was made on August 12.

The press conference was called earlier on Monday to provide information on fuel and cooking gas (LPG) prices and on the supplementary support provided by Petrobras during the energy crisis.

Opening the press conference, Luna went back to explaining the company’s performance and defending that a company with greater financial health could achieve more results for society, as well as pay better dividends to shareholders, including its controller, the union.

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