September 17, 2024

Bolsonaro blames countries for high fuel prices. See account – news

2 min read
Preço médio da gasolina no Brasil é de R$ 5,866

as such The recent rise in fuel prices It gave Brazilian drivers a headache.

President Jair Bolsonaro criticized the high price of fuel, on Wednesday (18). He claims the federal government cannot be considered “evil” as to the final amount paid to drivers.

“If a liter is 6 or 7 reais, that’s ridiculous, and the federal taxes are about 0.70 R$, let’s see who’s the villain in this story. It’s not the federal government,” he said by returning the high price to the value the states receive.

Bolsonaro’s account specifically refers to the percentage assigned to CIDE, PIS/Pasep and Cofins which, according to the current average price of gasoline (5,866 R$), is R$0.68 per liter. The states, in turn, keep 1.64 R$.

In fact, the current prices are a reflection of moves to contain the lag with regard to the price of oil on the international market and the depreciation of the real. In other words, more than 70% of the price of a liter of gasoline and diesel at the pump corresponds to Petrobras’ earnings, state and federal taxes.

Profit making refers to production costs plus profit, in this case, what is left for the government company to bear the cost of operating the oil exploration and extraction.

According to the latest data from the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels, the average amount charged per liter of gasoline at gas stations is R$5866. The diesel S-10 is sold, on average, for 4,661 Brazilian reals.

Final prices, respectively, are 197.3% and 83% higher than those charged by Petrobras refineries, which distribute gasoline for R$1,973 and diesel for R$2,546. The large difference at both ends of the production chain is justified by the final price formation.

In the case of gasoline, the price paid at service stations consists of 32.9% of Petrobras’ profits, 11.6% of federal taxes (CIDE and PIS/Pasep and Cofins), 27.9% of state taxes (ICMS) and 15.9% of the cost of ethanol in the mix . The remaining 11.7% is for fuel distribution and resale.

As for diesel, the share allocated to Petrobras’ realization is greater, 52.6%. There is also 15.9% in state taxes, 7% in federal taxes, 11.3% in liquid biodiesel, and 13.2% for distribution and resale.

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