July 27, 2024

Borek, candidate for the left-wing Chilean Front Amplio, maintains the lead in a new second-round ballot

1 min read
Gabriel Boric
Gabriel Boric

Gabriel Borek has 54% of the preferred Chilean electorate, compared to 46% of the far-right candidate, Jose Antonio Caste.

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247 – Chile’s broad left front candidate, Gabriel Borek, has overtaken far-right candidate Jose Antonio Caste, who has added more votes in the first round of the presidential election, in a new poll by Criteria Research, released Thursday (2).

According to the poll, Borek has 54% of the electorate, compared to 46% of the opponents, according to a press report. or balloon. Last weekend, other think tanks also indicated that the candidate on the left led second-round voting intentions by as much as 16 points.

The poll also found that Chileans are divided over who will be the country’s next president, with the two candidates tied by 40%.

The Search Criteria survey was conducted online and interviewed 1,620 people between 25 and 29 November.

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