July 27, 2024

Brazilian woman who had a serious accident on her honeymoon in Punta Cana is discharged from the intensive care unit: ‘The worst is over’ | Santos and the region

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Brazilian woman who had a serious accident on her honeymoon in Punta Cana is discharged from the intensive care unit: 'The worst is over' |  Santos and the region
Brazilian woman who had a serious accident on her honeymoon in Punta Cana is discharged from the intensive care unit: 'The worst is over' |  Santos and the region

Brazilian who She had a serious bus accident next to her husbandDuring my honeymoon in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, I was discharged from the intensive care unit (ICU). to me g 1 Jordan Abdullah, 28, husband of Flavia Martinez, 26, revealed this Wednesday (12), that The woman is in her room and has to go out permanently later this week.

“The neurologist evaluated and separated her. The worst is over, thank God. “Now, you’ll just take care of the shock, heal the wounds and everything else,” Abdullah said shortly after receiving the news of his wife’s condition.

According to Flavia’s husband, who has had minor injuries and has already been released from the hospital, expectations for his wife’s release are high. “I estimate it in two or three days [ela receba alta definitiva]. It all depends on healing. But It must be very fast, because it responds well“.

After the accident, Abdullah, a business analyst, was left with cleft arms and needed some stitches. In turn, Flavia, an administrative assistant, hit her head and left half of her face extremely swollen, as her husband described her. As a result, she was admitted to the intensive care unit and underwent surgery.

A Brazilian woman who had a serious accident next to her husband on their honeymoon is released from the intensive care unit – Photo: Reproduction

A tourist bus accident in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, killed at least three people and injured more than 30 others.

There were Brazilians on board, according to local press and confirmed by Itamaraty. The accident occurred on Thursday (7) in a tourist area (the bus was heading to a nearby island).

And the newspaper, “Diario Libre”, published the names of three Brazilians, accompanied by four other people, but the nationality of these companions is unknown.

The list of names and nationalities published by the Dominican media indicates the presence of tourists from the following countries:

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Mexico
  • Peru

According to the Argentine newspaper “Clarin”, the fatal victims are two Argentine women and a Peruvian woman.

The bus driver, Franklin Nin Perez, initially claimed that a truck had blocked off the bus space on the highway.

A video clip recorded at the scene does not show the truck. According to Dominican media, a tire may have exploded while the bus was in motion.

A Chilean woman who was on the bus said the car was speeding. It claims that the driver lost control of a curve and overturned. The case is being investigated.

Videos: g1 in 1 Minute Santos

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