July 27, 2024

Diver survives shark attack in Hawaii; Watch the video – the world

2 min read
Diver survives shark attack in Hawaii;  Watch the video - the world
Diver survives shark attack in Hawaii;  Watch the video - the world

American marine biologist Ocean Ramsay narrowly escaped existence shark bite, this Tuesday (25), when trying to enter the sea off the coast of Haleiwa, Hawaii. plunger The episode was recorded Where the animal was surprised when it was preparing to jump into the water.

Watch the attack


In the photos it is possible to notice the moment when the woman is on the ladder of the ship, preparing for a dive, on the outskirts of the island of Oahu. However, when bending the body above the water, she said tiger shark spot coming towards it. Species are considered One of the most dangerous From the world.

The animal advances towards the ocean, which retreats in time and Quickly snap the legs. However, his mouth still touched one of the fins used by a biologist.

The submarine said on social media that she was “laughing more than fear.” She also indicated that it was a female shark. “Unfortunately, she is very skinny, and she probably just had a puppy,” he concluded.

Ocean is the author of What You Should Know About Sharks and does outreach work focused on helping people to Seeing these beings positivelyActively working through photos, movies, social media and books aimed at protecting the sea dog.

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