December 26, 2024

Does the PIS/Pasep 2021 allowance already have a date to be paid?

2 min read
Does the PIS/Pasep 2021 allowance already have a date to be paid?

The federal government confirmed the deferral of payments PIS / Pasep . Salary Bonus With the base year 2021 for millions of Brazilians. Transfers should take place by the end of this year, but it is already known that this will not happen.

Read more: Caixa released an FGTS draw of up to R$2,900 in October; See who receives

Interest up to one lowest wages Valid and intended for private sector employees and public employees in the three areas that comply with some pre-defined rules. These professionals rely on value as a financial boost each year.

During the pandemic, the government also decided Postponement of remittances From PIS / Pasep with the base year 2020, which was supposed to be deposited in 2021. It is possible that the action postponed this year’s calendar, because if it did not happen, the payment would be doubled.

PIS/Pasep Allowance: Who Receives It?

As mentioned, the 2021 allowance is a right for employees of private companies and public servants that comply with the rules below:

  1. Register in PIS/Pasep for at least 5 years in 2021;
  2. They received, on average, a minimum wage per month to a maximum of two in that year;
  3. Worked on an official contract for at least 30 days, consecutive or not, in 2021;
  4. Get the right information in the Annual Report for Social Information (RAIS) or e-Social.

When will the benefits be paid?

There is still no expectation to pay the allowance for last year, but it is expected that it will occur in 2023. In this way, a new possibility of dual conversion of PIS/Pasep arises.

For salary bonus information updates, access the Digital Work Card app, the Caixa Econômica Federal website, or call Central Alô Trabalho’s phone number 158.

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