July 27, 2024

Focus on the safety of the SBT afternoon even with the Rebel’s free-fall ratings

3 min read
Focus on the safety of the SBT afternoon even with the Rebel’s free-fall ratings
Focus on the safety of the SBT afternoon even with the Rebel’s free-fall ratings

Fofocalizando showed signs of success in consolidating its audience even in the midst of the general ratings chaos experienced by SBT productions: even in a downturn, the Chris Flores-led online magazine settled for third place in its timeslot and managed to hold it. A large portion of the audience is left by Rebelde, who continues to free fall, without a floor from the audience. For the first time since the appearance of the Mexican series, this Tuesday (27) gossip program managed to increase the indexes left by the plot, which again broke a negative record.

what do you want to know

  • Not even football saves: Sao Paulo x Tigre left SBT in third place a tenth of the difference from the log (6.3 x 6.2);
  • first appeared, Mulheres de Areia (13.2) is already close to Mulheres Apaixonadas (13.3);
  • Jornal Nacional (26.0) was the most watched program of the daysurpassing the seven and nine series.

Consolidated audience data for the metropolitan city of São Paulo, obtained by Pop TV With market sources, she revealed that Fofocalizando scored an average of 2.1 points on her schedule, from 3:20pm to 5:18pm. Gravity led by Chris Flores got off the air with only 2.0 points left and Rebelde managed to practically double the number of viewers tuned in to the station during its timeslot: The program posted a peak rating of 3.7 in its prime moment. Audience – That is, the attraction raised SBT’s ratings by 85% while it was on the air.

Rebelde rendered right before the online magazine, continuing the free fall: The Mexican telenovela returned to score the worst performance in its history, with an average of 2.2 points. The series, which has ensured that only 5.6% of television sets are tuned in the country’s main capital, has already lost more than half of its audience since its debut – taking into account the plot’s record, which was 4.8 points, 54 in all 100 viewers have already given up on the telenovela. In less than three weeks of broadcasting.

Taking into account the data measured by the national television panel, the difference is even more stark: Fofocalizando was the most watched program on SBT up to the time of the broadcast, with an average score of 2.6 points. Rebelde, in turn, scored only a 2.1 and had a smaller audience than the regional block of programs that preceded it – the regional block of productions had the same average as a telenovela, but was tuned in by more television sets (7.8% vs. 5.1%).

Check out the audiences the attractions got from major TV stations this Tuesday (27):

24 hour average 11.1
Good morning SP 7.6
Good morning, Brazil 7.9
Interview with the poetess Patricia 6.4
More than you 6.2
SP1 9.0
Globe Sports 9.7
Today’s newspaper 10.8
sand women 13.2
Pepper chocolate 14.6
Women’s World Cup squad 10.2
Worth watching again: Women in Love 13.3
full love 19.3
SP2 21.5
Go in the faith 25.0
The National Gazette 26.0
Earth and passion 25.8
fascinated 15.7
Show us 10.1
Profession reporter 8.3
Journal da Globo 6.8
Conversation with Biel 5.0
Go in Faith (Reprise) 4.4
Comedy in Madruga: Vai Que Cola 3.7
1 hour 4.6
24 hour average 4.2
Morning balance sheet 1.8
Balance Sheet Sabahi II 2.9
Morning general balance SP 3.3
Brazil spoke 3.5
in this time 3.6
SP general balance 5.5
Universal Church 5.7
SP general balance 5.5
The Ten Commandments 6.1
City alert 6.4
City Alert II 6.6
SP City Alert 7.6
Journal Da Record 7.4
Kings 7.1
Issa 6.8
The great achievement 4.5
24 hour newspaper record 2.3
Speak, I hear you 1.1
Universal Church 0.4
Early morning balance sheet 0.8
24 hour average 3.1
The first effect 2.1
First Impact Second Edition 3.0
Chiquitas 2.6
Happiness roulette 2.2
Chiquitas 2.7
rebel 2.2
chat 2.1
spell 3.7
Haven for love 3.8
Three times Anna 3.8
Happiness roulette 3.9
Three times Anna 3.8
SBT Brazil 3.6
Romeo and Juliet’s childhood 4.5
Copa Sudamericana: Sao Paulo vs Tigre 6.2
mouse software 4.6
the night 2.8
mosque operation 2.1
SBT News on TV 1.9
24 hour average 1.6
Show faith 0.1
Let’s go Brazil SP 0.3
Let’s go to Brazil 0.4
Chef with Edu Guedes 0.5
open game 1.2
SP open game 2.4
ball owners 1.8
Best afternoon 1.1
Brazil urgent 3.4
Brazil Urgent SP 3.9
band newspaper 3.8
Faustau in the band 2.3
The value of life 1.2
Masterchef Brazil 10 2.2
night news 1.2
What end did it take? 1.1
Total Sports 1.0
band document (re) 0.7
+ info 0.6
Journal da Band (acting) 0.7
Band News newspaper – the first newspaper 0.4
24 hour average 0.2
Grace Church 0.1
Bakaraka gang 0.1
Ronnie SB Morning 0.1
Morning Ronnie 0.3
I will tell you 0.1
Church revival 0.0
lift shop 0.0
Universal Church 0.0
afternoon to you 0.7
Universal Church 0.3
It’s time to work 0.7
TV network! News 0.4
Show faith 0.2
TV fame 0.5
nfl show 0.3
dynamic reading 0.2
exciting (repeat) 0.2
TV Fama (Acting) 0.2
Grace Church 0.1

Each point represents 76,953 households and 206,674 individuals in Greater São Paulo.
Data provided by broadcasters

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