July 27, 2024

Gasoline price reaches a new record in Brazil; Seeing the new value

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Gasoline price reaches a new record in Brazil;  Seeing the new value
Gasoline price reaches a new record in Brazil;  Seeing the new value

The National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) presented a new fuel price survey from May 1-7. During this period, the average price of gasoline was R$7,295. Thus, the product has reached a new average and record level in retail. In the previous research, the average value per liter was 7,283 BRL. That is, there was a 0.16% rise in price.

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Gasoline price reaches a new record in Brazil

Since January, the price of gasoline has increased by 9.37% at the pumps. According to the ANP, in the week between May 1 and 7, the maximum value for regular gasoline reached after scanning at 5,146 fuel points was R$8,999 in Tubarao (SC). Meanwhile, the lowest price of Presidente Venceslau (SP) was at R$6,999.

On the other hand, the cheapest ethanol in Brazil comes from Lins (SP), at R$4,200. The most expensive at Bagé (RS), where the product was sold at R$7,899. The average liter of ethanol in the entire country is R$5441.

Meanwhile, diesel increased for the third time in a row. Thus, it increased from R$ 6.61 to R$ 6.6630. That is, there was a rise of 0.3%. In 2022, the increase was 23.99%. In addition, the product had the lowest price in Valença (RJ), costing R$5,378. The most expensive value is Porto Seguro (BA) at R$8,387.

According to the National Ports Agency, the price of gasoline and other fuels is due to the risks of shortages in some parts of Brazil. This happened as a result of the price lag. According to Abicom, the average lag for diesel was 21% last Friday (06), and for gasoline it was 17%.

Thus, importers cannot import, as Petrobras sells fuel in Brazil cheaper than it buys from abroad. The company has not adjusted gasoline prices at refineries since 3/11.

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Photo: kckate16 / Shutterstock.com