July 27, 2024

Health workers in Curitiba demand a boost to the anti-virus vaccine after the outbreak of the disease in health centers and the death of specialists

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Health workers in Curitiba demand a boost to the anti-virus vaccine after the outbreak of the disease in health centers and the death of specialists
Health workers in Curitiba demand a boost to the anti-virus vaccine after the outbreak of the disease in health centers and the death of specialists

Health professionals in Curitiba have begun to demand a booster vaccine against the virus, which has already been made available to a portion of the elderly and immunosuppressed patients who took the second dose more than six months ago. They also noted new outbreaks of Covid in health units in the capital and deaths of professionals. The City Hall press office reported that, according to the database of the Municipal Health Department of Curitiba, 5.2% of health workers contracted covid-19 after vaccination, 14 days after the second dose. Sismec has been pressing the city of Curitiba for nurses on the front lines of health to reach as quickly as possible the third dose of the virus vaccine. In response to a question from the Bem Paraná Report, the municipality of Curitiba informed that there is no definition, to date, of the Ministry of Health regarding the application of the booster dose in health professionals.

“There is no Ministry of Health definition, to date, regarding the application of a booster dose in health professionals. To date, Curitiba has received a booster dose from the Ministry of Health only for elderly people over 70 years of age (more than 180 days after the second dose) and immunosuppressants (more than 28 days after the second dose).
For health professionals to be eligible for a booster dose, it will be necessary for the Ministry of Health to change the national immunization plan, in addition to providing a specific contribution of these vaccines to this group,” according to a note sent by the city of Curitiba.

Figures from a survey conducted by the Consortium of Municipal Nursing Maids of Curitiba (Sesmec) with 400 union professionals, between September 14 and 15, confirm the need for the third dose of health workers. The survey revealed that 23.9% of them were infected with the Covid virus, even though they had taken two doses of the vaccine. According to the survey, since the beginning of the epidemic, 50% of the nursing staff in the city of Curitiba have already been infected with the coronavirus. On Wednesday (22) a nurse from the municipality of Curitiba. Marelda Camargo died a victim of the virus even after taking the second dose. According to Sismec’s president, Raquel Padilla, she has been the second professional victim of the virus to die since July, even when she was vaccinated. “Professionals deal directly with Covid patients and they are at risk. In June, there was an outbreak in Pinheirinho UPA, when six professionals from the same period were infected. In July, almost the entire team was received in the Covid coconut unit. In late August, we discovered another outbreak in Campo Comprido UPA. We need this third dose, we need answers and protection.”

At a Federal Chamber hearing, the MS secretary said there was still no consensus on the third dose in health professionals.

At a Federal Chamber hearing, last Tuesday (21), researchers and medical and nursing agencies defended the continued vaccination of 12-year-olds and the application of booster doses to older adults and health professionals. External Committee Rapporteur, Rep. Carmen Zanotto (Cidadania-SC) noted the need to include health professionals in the priority group for this additional dose. “Only among nurses, technicians and assistants, we have more than 860 deaths. In addition to medical professionals, we have 1,600 to 1,700. Not to mention all the other workers, such as ambulance drivers, receptionists, cleaning and laundry staff, physiotherapists and other professionals directly involved In Covid-19.So, Defense and Demand [pela dose de reforço] Our external committee,” said the deputy.

The request was reinforced by representatives of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) and the Federal Council of Nursing (COVEN). They argued that most healthcare professionals were vaccinated more than 8 months ago with Coronavac, which has a shorter duration of protection against Covid-19. AMB presented a study from the United States showing a new outbreak of the disease, including in specialists immunized with Pfizer.

A Cofen representative, Cleide Mazuela, reported that recent tests showed an increase in re-infections and a loss of antibodies among professionals on the front lines of the fight against Covid-19. He pointed out that “there are 2.5 million exhausted nurses.”

Regarding health workers, there was no consensus at our penultimate meeting of the NOP Technical Chamber. We agreed that we would discuss more technically and scientifically. If the decision is to vaccinate this entire group, regardless of the immunizing agent applied, we will have the doses to be applied,” we guarantee The Extraordinary Secretary of State for Coping with Covid-19 at the Ministry of Health, Rosana de Mello,

A new meeting of the ministry’s technical room is scheduled for 24. Based on stocks and delivery expectations, Rosana says there will be vaccine availability, if the booster dose is set from age 60 onwards. The secretary was informed that the ministry has already started planning the schedule of vaccinations for the next year.

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