July 27, 2024

Holocaust survivor and girlfriend of Anne Frank, Hannah Goslar, dies at 93

2 min read
The Nazis separated Anne Frank from her best friend and found her three years later in a concentration camp.
The Nazis separated Anne Frank from her best friend and found her three years later in a concentration camp.

Hannah Goslar, one of Anne Frank’s best friends during World War II, died Friday at the age of 93, according to the foundation named after the Jewish Girl, best known for its memoirs between 1942 and 1944. The Bergen-Belsen Nazi concentration camp became a Holocaust survivor. Anne Frank died at the age of 15.

Hana, born in 1928, met Anne at school after her family fled Nazi Germany in 1933 and settled in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The two girls lost contact in 1942 when the Frank family went into hiding to escape the Nazis.

Hana’s family was arrested by the Gestapo in 1943 and deported to Bergen-Belsen the following year. There, she met Anne in February 1945, shortly before her friend’s death.

The Nazis separated Anne Frank from her best friend and found her three years later in a concentration camp.
The Nazis separated Anne Frank from her best friend and found her three years later in a concentration camp.

The young woman and her sister Gabe were the only survivors of the same family.

Later, Hannah moved to Jerusalem where she married Walter Beck. The couple had three sons, 11 grandchildren, and 31 great-grandchildren.

“This is my response to Hitler,” Hannah used to say, according to the Anne Frank Foundation.

According to the organization, Hannah, or Hanley as Anne described her in her memoirs, was one of Anne Frank’s best friends. They have been close since kindergarten.

The foundation’s website adds: “Hannah shared her memories of their friendship and the Holocaust in her old age. She believed everyone should know what happened to her and her friend Ann after the last entry in the magazine. No matter how terrible the story.” .

Between 1939 and 1945, millions of people, including Roma, the physically and mentally disabled, and citizens of Eastern Europe brutally murdered Along with six million Jews. In Nazi Germany in the twentieth century, the policy of extermination of Jews was based on the concept of the Aryan race. For Adolf Hitler and his comrades, all groups considered “inferior” must be eliminated. This “final solution” created by the Nazis led to the extermination of a third of the Jewish population, which was treated as human filth.

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