July 26, 2024

Homo bodoensis: the new species that some scientists consider a direct ancestor of humans

4 min read
Homo bodoensis: the new species that some scientists consider a direct ancestor of humans
Homo bodoensis: the new species that some scientists consider a direct ancestor of humans
  • Carlos Serrano (@carliserrano)
  • BBC News World


attributed to him, Ettore Maza

Illustrative image,

Neanderthal photography

There is a period in the history of human evolution that scientists still do not fully understand.

Very little is known about this age, known as “confusion,” because experts still disagree on which species it was in. It is a time between the rise of Homo erectus and the emergence of modern Homo sapiens.

A group of researchers has named a new species that could clear up this confusion and which, according to their analysis, would be the direct ancestor of humans.

It’s Homo bodoensis, which lived in Africa about 500,000 years ago and which, according to the study’s authors, helps solve the mystery of a key period in human evolution.

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