July 27, 2024

Houthis Claim Responsibility for Missile Strike on Oil Tanker in Red Sea – Shiv Telegram Media

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Houthis Claim Responsibility for Missile Strike on Oil Tanker in Red Sea – Shiv Telegram Media
Houthis Claim Responsibility for Missile Strike on Oil Tanker in Red Sea – Shiv Telegram Media

Title: Oil Tanker Attacked in the Gulf of Aden Amidst Rising Tensions in the Middle East

In a dramatic escalation of conflict in the Middle East, an oil tanker operated by Trafigura has been targeted by a missile attack in the Gulf of Aden. The Marlin Luanda, a petroleum products tanker, is currently engulfed in flames, and efforts are underway to suppress the fire.

Houthi militants have claimed responsibility for the attack, referring to the vessel as a “British oil ship,” despite it being flagged under the Marshall Islands. This incident is part of a series of assaults by the Houthis on commercial vessels transiting the Red Sea in support of Palestinians.

As the situation unfolds, military ships are rushing to provide assistance to the stricken tanker. The United States and the United Kingdom have already initiated airstrikes against the Houthis in an effort to curb their activities. These airstrikes were in response to the Houthi militants previously firing a ballistic missile at a U.S. Navy destroyer, which fortunately was successfully intercepted, causing no reported injuries or damage.

In response to the rising tensions, major oil tanker companies temporarily halted traffic towards the Red Sea. Surprisingly, however, oil prices have not experienced a significant response to the turmoil in the Middle East, mainly due to the fact that there has not yet been a major disruption to supply.

Analysts are questioning why crude prices have not risen more given the geopolitical risks in the region. With ongoing conflicts and escalating attacks, it is suggested that greater precaution should be taken, and that crude prices should be higher.

This latest attack on the oil tanker highlights the vulnerabilities faced by commercial vessels in this crucial shipping route. As tensions continue to rise, it is essential for the international community to prioritize safeguarding maritime security in the Gulf of Aden to ensure the uninterrupted flow of vital resources.

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