July 27, 2024

Images show more than 700 meteors “scratch” the SC sky in one night | Santa Catarina

2 min read
Images show more than 700 meteors "scratch" the SC sky in one night |  Santa Catarina
Images show more than 700 meteors "scratch" the SC sky in one night |  Santa Catarina

According to astronomer Josemar Justino, who coordinates the Monte Castillo station and is part of the Brazilian Meteorite Observing Network (Pramón), the Delta Aquáridas do Sul is one of the best meteor showers that can be observed in Brazil.

More than 700 meteorites have been recorded – Photo: Josemar Justino/Disclosure

“The meteors from this shower were likely caused by the debris of Comet 96P/Machholz, a comet passing through the grazing of the sun,” he says. According to Justin, every six years it passes within a distance of 18.6 million kilometers from the central star of the solar system.

The number of incidents recorded between Friday and the beginning of Saturday morning is a record at the monitoring station.

“In addition to meteors from this rain, sporadic meteors and other radioactive meteorites such as Alpha Capricornids, for example, have been observed,” he added.

Activity south of the Aquáridas Delta typically occurs between July 22 and August 17, peaking on July 30.

The number of meteors was set as a record at the monitoring station – Photo: Josemar Justino/Disclosure

Meteor showers in Monte Castillo – Photo: Jocimar Justino/Publicity

Records were made between Friday night and Saturday morning – Photo: Josemar Justino/Disclosure

A meteor is a luminous phenomenon that occurs when a small portion of space rock passes through the atmosphere at a very high speed. When it enters the Earth, this part quickly compresses and heats up the atmospheric gas, forming a bubble of plasma (hot ionized gas), which glows for a certain time.

“However, at certain times of the year, Earth passes through an area of ​​the sky that has more debris left by comets or asteroids. When this happens, many of these fragments reach the atmosphere at the same time, forming meteor showers,” Bramon explains. .

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