October 28, 2024

Know what to do to protect yourself

2 min read

2022 started with another interest, which is Influenza outbreaks in different parts of Brazil. Not to mention the new cases of Covid-19, especially after the Christmas and New Year celebrations. We’ve broken down some tips for you to protect yourself and avoid both diseases.

Read more: Goodbye flu! 6 easy tea recipes to relieve symptoms

It is difficult to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, with new waves of disease and more variables emerging around the world. If that’s not enough, there are still cases of influenza that have increased as well.

Flu and covid 19

New restrictions have been adopted in different parts of the country to try to contain the spread of the two diseases. To protect yourself, there are many of the same precautions. That is, they deserve the same amount of protection from Covid-19 as the flu.

This is because both diseases are respiratory diseases. Thus, the first form of protection is the use of a mask. Wherever there are more people, wear a mask at all times. Only it can protect the nose and mouth and help prevent the transmission of both diseases.

Also avoid clumps. We know it’s hard to be away from friends and family after so many years of isolation. However, avoiding close contact remains one form of prevention. Avoid private enclosed spaces. The Ômicron variant was the most worrisome in Brazil today. It is highly contagious.

Another tip is to enhance your hand care. Always wash and avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes. Especially when you are in public places or in places that may be more susceptible to contamination.

Vaccination is also necessary. Keep track of all Covid-19 vaccine doses and also make sure your flu vaccine is up to date. If not, find doses as soon as possible and boost protection.

In case of any sign of symptoms, see a doctor as soon as possible. Even if the health facilities are full, this is a recommendation. Because only then, with the disease confirmed, is it possible to take more care of yourself and protect you and more people.

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