July 27, 2024

Lawyer who “forgot” money in the central bank: “The value will help buy my car” Economy

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Lawyer who “forgot” money in the central bank: “The value will help buy my car” Economy
Lawyer who “forgot” money in the central bank: “The value will help buy my car” Economy

Lawyer Rafaela Lionel, 24, found out through a joke that she ‘forgot’ money in the banks – Image: personal archive

The search for the exact amount to be withdrawn – both from Rafaella and from other people – will only be available from next week. According to BC, SVR has approximately R6 billion of receivables available for 38 million CPFs and 2 million CNPJs.

Rafaella only decided to access the system after a friend asked via Instagram about the dues. It was a surprise when I entered the BC website and found out that she would be one of the millions of Brazilians who had some “forgotten” money in the bank.

The goal is to combine that amount with the R$40,000 he received from his mother, Rosana Navarro, to buy a car.

The money my mother gave me was not enough to buy the car I wanted. [um Honda Fit]. Now, regardless of the amount available in the Central Bank, I am closer to buying my car,” he said.

Even without knowing the exact amount, the lawyer believes it is close to R$100 and already has plans for the money: investing everything in a CDB (Certificate of Deposit Bank).

“Reaching it now, I realize that I will not know how much I can add to my investment. It gives me anxiety,” laughs Lionel. “I wanted to know how close I am to my car.” Her goal is to buy the car around July – there is still approximately R$5,000 left for the lawyer to reach the required amount.

Attorney Rafaela Lopez, 24, found out through a joke that she would be paid. Photo: personal archive

The lawyer says that the amount must be from a bank where she opened an account in recent years and she sees that even if the amount to be withdrawn is not that big, it is already interesting, mainly because she has been out of work for three weeks.

Since 2020, Rafaela has changed jobs three times – and each one forced her to open a different bank account to get paid. “I could have implemented portability, but I ended up not doing it and simply closed it. [a conta]which may have left me with a measure of forgetfulness.”

To find out who has dues, you just need to go to the Central Bank website and report to the CPF, full name and date of birth. See more details.

BC actually issued the advisory last year, in February 2022, but suspended access to the system and withdrawal of values ​​in April of that year.

Rafaella claims that, at the time, she also tried to access the SVR to check if she had any money to receive. But due to system overload, he was unable to make the appointment. She believes the amount available in 2023 is something that can actually be withdrawn earlier.

However, the lawyer said she still had doubts about the process of obtaining the money. She claims that if she finds out that the amount available is cents and that she would need to go to a physical agency to withdraw the amount, she would prefer to give up the amount.

“I’m not going,” he says. “I don’t want to face a huge queue for nothing…the government can stay.”

According to the government, anyone with some funds available will need to report the PIX key and save the protocol. Payment will be made within about 12 days.

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