December 26, 2024

Lin da Quebrada says he received a boost from Gloria Grove

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Lin da Quebrada says he received a boost from Gloria Grove

Lyn da Quebrada He revealed the suffocation he had already suffered due to lack of food when he moved to Sao Paulo and admitted that he received a payment from Gloria Grove To be on BBB 22. In a conversation with Arthur Aguiar, the singer visited her past and explained how she began her career in art.

“I won a scholarship at an art center in São Paulo, quit my job, got unemployment insurance, and was able to keep my insurance for six months. I worked at the salon for four years and worked for a cosmetics company.”, who was then based in São José Do Rio Preto.

Lynn explained that she didn’t even think about singing when she moved to Sao Paulo. “After dancing I went to the theater. From the theater that after cancer I started writing. Music was the last thing that appeared in my life. I lived with two wonderful people […]. We could already see that the food was running out. So far, it’s completely over.”

“But then, the girls at the school where we studied, in this arts center, provided us with a basic food basket. We wouldn’t be able to buy food, no,” he added.

Also during the conversation with Arthur Aguiar, Lynn said she was encouraged to join the BBB after a conversation with Gloria Grove. “I didn’t tell her I was coming, nothing like that. The question I asked her was exactly this: ‘Friend, if you have everything and can lose everything, but you can also have everything to gain, would you still risk it?'” ” , to remember.

“I was thinking a lot about her saying, ‘Wow, I’ve been thinking about this these days,’ and then, in that doubt, I called Manu [Gavassi]She’s speaking, Gloria, Daniel Garcia. I found that very cool. That was the moment when she was also thinking about risking things. And thinking about Manu who somehow took that step. Very symbolic too.”

Learn all about BBB 22 with the podcast O Brasil Tá Vendo:

Listen to “#65 – BBB22 went wrong or is it still salvageable?” on Spreaker.

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