July 27, 2024

“nothing?” Día do Flamengo has a deal with Dorival, sad training by Paulo Sousa and Coca attempt | flamingo

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"nothing?"  Día do Flamengo has a deal with Dorival, sad training by Paulo Sousa and Coca attempt |  flamingo
"nothing?"  Día do Flamengo has a deal with Dorival, sad training by Paulo Sousa and Coca attempt |  flamingo

Thursday from flamingo He had it all: the coach in charge of training even though he knew he was going to be fired, the deal with a new coach, the dismissal of the old coach, and Rodolfo Landim’s failed attempt.

“has nothing”. This is how CEO Bruno Spindel responded when reporter Isabel Costa, of S1 Live, Atibaia, asked him if there was really an agreement with Dorival Júnior. This was around 3 PM, when practically all of the above facts were combined.

yes. At that point, in addition to Paulo’s departure, which was decided on Thursday night, Dourival’s arrival was also determined.

And more: the flamingo It has already tried through its president, Rodolfo Landim, to recruit Cuca, one of the preferred candidates for the board of directors. Over the phone, the coach told the Black Reds representative that he was not interested in taking over the clubs in 2022. Later, he reiterated this in an official note:

Paulo Sousa, Flamengo coach – Photo: Fred Gomez

“In addition to being fully dedicated and dedicated to this social project of my own, I have already come up with the idea of ​​continuing to prepare some teams for the World Cup this year. Not to mention that I will be in Qatar to follow the World Cup closely. I thought of just taking on a new project next season,” Koca said. .

Dorival has also been one of the listed lists since the beginning and flamingo Prioritizing a homemade solution, the board shifted the entire load to the arrangement with Ceará’s now ex-commander.

Dorival Junior sails in Belo Horizonte and misses the deal with Flamengo

Dorival Junior sails in Belo Horizonte and misses the deal with Flamengo

Dorival listens to the heart and says yes to flamingo for the third time

if it was flamingo You will have to spend 7.7 million Rls to compensate Paulo Sousa, an amount which indicates the salaries remaining until the end of the year, and the financial effort was not the same as removing Dorival Júnior from Ceará. The fine set by Vôzão’s board of directors is R$450,000.

Dorival arrived with his assistant Lucas Silvestre, who is his son, and physical trainer Celso Resende.

With an athletic project that gives him the possibility to fight for titles despite the turbulent environment and follow up on recent fouls by the football department, Dorival “listened to his heart” and decided to interrupt the good clip he was doing before Ceará to return to the Eagle’s Nest for the third time. He spent there between 2012, 2013 and 2018 without titles.

After spending an entire Thursday in Belo Horizonte, beating America-MG 2-0 the previous day, Dorival Jr. boarded at Confins Airport for Fortaleza in the early evening. But the return to the capital of Ceará took place on a different flight from the rest of the delegation who had traveled earlier.

On Friday, the coach will not go to Atibaia, where there is flamingo He finished his preparations for the match against Internacional led by Mario Jorge, the under-20 coach, who was in Rio and was hastily called up in the absence of a permanent technical committee for the club.

Dorival will meet with the team only at the end of Friday night, already in Porto Alegre, the stage of the duel valid for the eleventh round of Brazil.

Committee’s next steps

If Dorival arrives with two professionals, the flamingo He defines as a priority the hiring of another physical trainer and goalkeeper coach – in the club’s committee there is the presence of Thiago Eller, brother of former defender Fabiano Eller.

Paulo Sousa’s sad training and the expected announcement soon

Plus an embarrassing press conference on Wednesday after a sleepy performance flamingo In the defeat to Bragantino, Paulo Sousa faced another embarrassing situation on Friday. Although realizing that he would be fired, he naturally engaged in the activities. Amid the yellow smiles, he ate breakfast and lunch before heading out to the grass and leading the training of the athletes who did not start the match at Bragança Paulista.

Accompanied by members of his commission, he got into a car and drove into the countryside to begin one of his last steps on a rainy Thursday in Atebea.

After the activity, he went up and met Marcos Brazz, Bruno Spindel, Juan and Fabinho Soldado to receive the news that will not surprise anyone. Shortly after 6 pm, he was informed that he and his six assistants would no longer be responsible for flamingo.

The official call was made while the players and their committee members were having dinner in another room. Half an hour later, the athletes officially learned what they had known since the day before.

Embarrassment hits a group of players

Even after all the embarrassment throughout the day, Marcos Braz made sure to highlight the moral relationship he had with Paulo Sousa, as he put it, when he announced the coach’s departure from the team.

Paulo then spoke and thanked mainly the players and the club’s staff. Diego asked for the floor at the end and thanked the coach. He said that things might not go well at some point, but he realized that Paulo was always looking for the best flamingo.

The mood of embarrassment has plagued players as well since the early hours of the day, and embarrassment has been a recurring topic in conversation circles.

One of the players said, “What they’re doing slutty.”

He (Paulo) came towards me, and I doubted if he would come to bid me farewell or give instruction – Other Justice.

Later, after the athletes were informed of the termination, in the midst of waking up, Paulo insisted on saying goodbye to all of them, one by one.

Amidst much embarrassment, Paolo Sousa’s hidden passage was across flamingo. The club was also conservative in its official announcement, which was posted on Twitter which did not even reach the 280 character limit and without a thank you letter.

An economic and secret path consisting of very rare moments of joy and a lack of contact between the coach, the players and the stands.

Watch: all about flamingo On ge and on Globo and on sportv

– Image: Disclosure

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