July 27, 2024

Pink October: Unimed Uberlândia talks about the myths and facts about breast cancer | Special Announcement – UNIMED UBERLÂNDIA

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Pink October: Unimed Uberlândia talks about the myths and facts about breast cancer |  Special Announcement - UNIMED UBERLÂNDIA
Pink October: Unimed Uberlândia talks about the myths and facts about breast cancer |  Special Announcement - UNIMED UBERLÂNDIA

October is the month of alert and awareness for the whole community, especially the female public, about the importance of early diagnosis of breast cancer. Prevention and early care are also part of the campaign developed by Unimed Uberlândia this month, which includes the production of digital content to allow greater access to information, which contributes to reducing deaths.

According to data from the National Cancer Institute (INCA), breast cancer is the most common occurrence among women, 30% of cases. Prevention is always the best method, so the recommendation is that women schedule preventive examinations and always be attentive to the signs: swelling, lumps, discharge and pain.

The disease, according to the Ministry of Health, if detected at an early stage, has a chance of recovery in one in three cases. See, therefore, some Myths and facts About breast cancer:

RealityPhysical activity and a healthy diet prevent 30% of cases of the disease.

myth: Only a lump is a sign of disease. There is another way to get to know him. microcalcifications that can only be determined by mammography;

RealityBreastfeeding protects the breast from developing breast cancer. Breast cells are busy producing milk and multiply less.

myth: Food cooked in the microwave can cause cancer. Microwaves do not make food radioactive as long as they are used as directed;

RealityObesity can cause disease. Because of the excess secretion of hormones and chemical mediators.

mythCancer is hereditary. It is not hereditary. There are genetic factors that make some people more sensitive to the action of carcinogens.

Pink October is an international breast cancer awareness movement created in the early 1990s by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation. In Brazil, the memorial is commemorated by Law No. 13,733/2018.

The Brazilian Society of Mammology (SBM) launched the awareness movement “QUANTO ANTES BETTER”, to draw attention to the need to adopt a lifestyle that includes physical activity and healthy eating, and not only reduce the risk of breast cancer, as is the case with many other diseases.

Another key message from the entity is, when necessary, that treatment begin soon after diagnosis, which increases patient survival and chances of cure. Check out SBM’s tips with the perfect habits for a healthy routine:

  • Eat well and do not go long without eating, that is, it is preferable to eat every three hours in small quantities, always giving priority to natural foods and avoiding processed foods.
  • Avoid excess fats and simple carbohydrates, such as sugar added to foods, sweets, juice boxes or bags, sodas, white bread, and pasta, and always prefer whole grain options.
  • Try to eat high-quality proteins, especially fruits and vegetables, as they are sources of essential vitamins and minerals and are rich in fiber that helps with feelings of fullness and healthy bowel function.
  • Do physical exercises during the week. The ideal is 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity divided by the days of the week.
  • Plan your eating day and try to follow it.

The instructions in this content are not intended to replace medical advice. In cases of suspicion, always seek an in-person evaluation with a doctor you trust.

Ready Virtual Service Unimed Uberlândia

Ready Virtual Service Unimed Uberlândia

Responsible Physician: Dr. Christian Bertarini Marques CRM: 32602 – Ophthalmologist

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