December 27, 2024

Planalto approves, and Congress discusses internal relocation amendments

2 min read
Planalto approves, and Congress discusses internal relocation amendments

After the termination of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) The report stopped implementing the amendments, Oh Planaldo Palace Signaled to be placed with values National Congress, Which has already begun to discuss behind the scenes the internal redistribution of funds from values.

In this way, the executive will have resources estimated at R $ 16.5 billion this year under the influence of the National Congress.

There are two ideas on the table. One is to design plans to open sub-credits so that ministries can specify which amounts should be implemented by Congress. The session of the National Congress will be held on Thursday (11).

Another idea is that the so-called sectoral commissions will be allocated following the rules of transparency. There are 16 sectoral commissions covering topics such as health, education, regional development, transport and national integration.

“We are discussing this in the Budget Committee, informally at the moment. We have not yet taken it to the full meeting, but the proposal is for transparency, democracy, decentralization and strengthening of thematic commissions,” he said. CNN Deputy Chairman of the Budget Committee, Senator Ilsi Lucas (PSDB-DF).

Other paths such as reinforcing bench and individual seams are also on the table.

Transferring these values ​​to the control of the executive would be an alternative, but the idea is that since the Correspondent’s amendments were administered by Congress, it should be maintained to avoid tensions on the coalition site.

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