July 27, 2024

Plane crash in Nepal: Video of an Indian passenger captured the final moments of the plane

4 min read
Plane crash in Nepal: Video of an Indian passenger captured the final moments of the plane
Plane crash in Nepal: Video of an Indian passenger captured the final moments of the plane
  • Written by Zoya Mateen
  • BBC News, Delhi

Sonu Jaiswal
Illustrative image,

Sonu Jaiswal did a livestream from the plane seconds before it crashed

Just hours after Nepal’s deadliest plane crash in 30 years, a video has gone viral in India – the footage shows one of the victims, Sonu Jaiswal, streaming straight from the plane seconds before it crashed.

He was part of a group of four friends from Gazipur, India, who were visiting Nepal and took the trek from Kathmandu to Pokhara.

In the video, it is possible to see the surroundings of Pokhara Airport from the plane during landing.

It is not believed that any of the 72 people on board survived the accident.

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