July 27, 2024

Quiroga criticizes the judiciary: ‘They want to destroy SUS’

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Quiroga criticizes the judiciary: 'They want to destroy SUS'
Quiroga criticizes the judiciary: 'They want to destroy SUS'

The Minister of Health says the operation costs R$1.8 billion annually to the public treasury

The Minister of HealthAnd Marcelo Quirogacriticized the legalization of SUS (Unified Health System) this Wednesday (May 18, 2022). “The way to destroy SUS is through unreasonable judicial casting of health”, He said at an event to announce the inclusion of new cancer treatments in public care (read more below).

Brazilians turn to the court to demand free medical treatment, arguing for the right to health. But Quiroga said there are limits. “Everything is codified. Even medicines that don’t even have Anvisa’s approval”, He said. The minister’s criticisms of the operation are frequent. last week advertiser The judiciary consumes R$1.8 billion annually from the federal budget.

Quiroga said that SUS needs to be sustainable. “The resource is one. When we offer a treatment, we have to consider whether we have the capacity within budget to deliver this policy”, Says. The Minister also explained that it is necessary to know the cost-effectiveness, safety and effectiveness of the procedures to assess whether it is feasible to include them in the national programme.

“It’s your money, and theirs. I want to know what the outcome is.” announce. Sometimes I say that, and people say I’m a genocideQuiroga said.

Watch the moment (3 min 49 sec):

He said that there are those who argue that patients have to walk 200 kilometers to receive treatment due to the unavailability of hospitals. “But if I provide a service like this everywhere, will I get any results?”Asked.

The minister said that in the future an agency might be created to indicate which treatments should enter the SUS. Currently, analyzes are performed with the help of Kontec (National Committee for Integrating Technologies at SUS). But the decision was made before Secretariat for Science, Technology, Innovation and Strategic Inputs in Health.

However, Quiroga criticized the regulatory agencies. “I’m not advocating for agencies, because we know what happens to agencies, you already know how twisted paths these are,” He said. During the pandemic, Minister complained From Anvisa (the National Health Surveillance Agency) several times during the pandemic.

Watch the moment (1 minute 17 seconds):

new treatments

On Wednesday (18 May) the Minister signed a decree to include two new oncological procedures: peritoneal resection and intraperitoneal chemical perfusion. Services will be provided in 11 hospitals in the country.

They are treatments for rare cancers. They act against malignant mesothelioma of the abdominal region and pseudoperitoneal myxoma of the peritoneal cavity. Annual expenses are estimated at R$ 6.7 million per year. Funding will be through Strategic Actions and the Compensation Fund.

Quiroga advocated the need to invest in preventative treatments to avoid an increase in cancer and cardiovascular disease. “We are witnessing a demographic shift, and the number of people with cardiovascular disease and cancer will increase. Public policies to address this problem will increase.”And He said. He states that this process should begin in primary health care. Share was martyredFighting smoking, sedentary lifestyle, weight control and diabetes.

‘I don’t even know if I can talk about early treatment, I may be arrested’Quiroga said. The speech was a reference to the federal government’s criticism of its existence defend Medicines that do not have conclusive studies of their effectiveness against COVID-19 during a pandemic.

Watch the moment (42 seconds):

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