July 27, 2024

Research finds Facebook, X, and other companies mining iPhone user data through app notifications

2 min read
Research finds Facebook, X, and other companies mining iPhone user data through app notifications
Research finds Facebook, X, and other companies mining iPhone user data through app notifications

New Research Discovers iPhone Users’ Personal Data Being Harvested by Popular Apps

In a recent study conducted by app development company Mysk Inc., it has been revealed that iPhone users are unknowingly handing over their personal data to popular apps like Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and X with just the click of a button. The research indicates that these apps are harvesting user information through notifications, even if the user chooses not to open them.

What is even more concerning is that this data collection is unrelated to improving the user experience and is being done for unknown purposes. The researchers were astonished by the widespread use of this practice, as dismissing a notification triggers the sending of unique device information to remote servers.

While many might assume that such actions would violate Apple’s privacy rules, the alarming truth is that these companies employ a technique called “fingerprinting” to identify users and send targeted ads. Notifications enable fingerprinting to continue running even when the app is closed, allowing developers to intentionally send notifications to collect data.

As per the research findings, Facebook notifications collect information such as IP addresses, the number of milliseconds since the phone was restarted, and other details. Similarly, LinkedIn utilizes the same technique to determine the user’s timezone, display brightness, and mobile carrier. However, both companies have denied these allegations, claiming that the data is solely used to enhance the user experience.

In addition to Facebook and LinkedIn, TikTok and X have also been found to mine user data through notifications. However, when approached for comments, they did not respond.

Notably, Apple has been paying attention to these privacy concerns and is expected to release an update soon to better protect its users from data mining by mega companies. The forthcoming update will require app developers to explain the reasons and methods for harvesting user information in order to prevent any illegitimate use.

This research highlights the need for users to be vigilant when granting permissions to apps and serves as a reminder that even seemingly harmless actions like dismissing a notification can have unintended consequences. It is crucial for users to stay informed about how their personal data is being used and take necessary steps to protect their privacy.

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