September 17, 2024

Roberto Jefferson detonates Jair Bolsonaro | capital Cities

2 min read
Roberto Jefferson detonates Jair Bolsonaro |  capital Cities

From prison, Roberto Jefferson Jair Bolsonaro was not spared heavy criticism for the position he adopted after the electoral defeat to Lula.

From Rio’s Pangu 8 prison, Roberto Jefferson Jair Bolsonaro was not spared heavy criticism. He told the people he was living with in prison, that the captain had jumped overboard in the middle of the storm. referring to the fact that the then president left the protesters without direction after Lula’s defeat.

By Jefferson’s reasoning, the arrests could have been avoided if Bolsonaro had been clear about his intentions. The criticism came from the dubious attitude adopted by the Bolsonaro family after the second round. In early December, Flavio claimed that the coup was never contemplated. The then-president declared, at the door of Alvorada, that it was up to the demonstrators to “decide where they would go.” Armed forces“.

This same criticism of Bolsonaro was made in a softer tone by Carla Zampelli in an interview with Folha de S. Paolo.

Roberto Jefferson also blew Bolsonaro on a trip to the United States after the defeat. As for the captain, the captain wouldn’t be able to get up after too many wrong moves. Even worse, it’s on its way to crashing the ship.

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Roberto Jefferson is admitted to Pangu Prison 8
Roberto Jefferson, Father Killmon, and the policeman who negotiated the surrender

Roberto Jefferson has been in prison since October last year
Roberto Jefferson dressed as Seap

Roberto Jefferson, former ally of Jair Bolsonaro

In addition to analyzing the scenario, Roberto Jefferson has plenty of reasons to criticize Bolsonaro. After the incident involving the federal police, the then-president called the commander a “bandit”. Bolsonaro, in turn, still attributes his defeat to the disastrous fallout caused by the former ally’s behavior.

Incidentally, Jefferson’s position on Pango 8 contrasts with the position adopted by the police when he responded to the arrest. In prison, the commander showed that he was respectful and courteous to prison agents.

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