September 10, 2024

São Paulo excludes the health barrier to monitor the omicron variable

2 min read
*** FILE PHOTO *** SAO PAULO, SP, 06/01/2021: The temperature of passengers is taken at Congonha Airport.  (Photo: Mathilde Misionero/Fullhabers)

*** FILE PHOTO *** SAO PAULO, SP, 06/01/2021: The temperature of passengers is taken at Congonha Airport. (Photo: Mathilde Misionero/Fullhabers)

SÃO PULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – The Municipal Health Department of São Paulo has, at the moment, ruled out the resumption of sanitary barriers at city bus stations and at Congonhas Airport, in the southern region, to monitor possible cases of the omicron variant of the coronavirus.

The procedure was adopted between May and October due to the delta variable.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Monday (29) that a new variant of Omicron for the coronavirus poses a “very high risk” to the planet.

When Fulha asked him on Monday morning whether the Ricardo Nunes (MDB) administration intended to resume sanitary barriers, the municipal health minister, Edson Aparecido, said, “Not yet.”

“We are talking with the health department and the state government to monitor the situation,” he said.

In about five months, teams from Covisa (the coordination of health monitoring) approached 801,106 people at three bus stops and at Congonhas airport.

Anvisa (National Health Monitoring Agency) revealed on Sunday (28th) afternoon that a Brazilian who passed through South Africa tested positive for Covid-19 after disembarking at Guarulhos Airport, in Greater Sao Paulo. The country is where the new Covid-19 variant, omicron, was first identified.

The city of Guarulhos, on Friday (26th), said that it has applied to the Ministries of Health, Infrastructure and Defense, as well as the Civil House of the Federal Government, with a request to strengthen health barriers for passengers coming from countries in Africa, mainly. South Africans or who have been through the continent in the last 15 days.

Mayor Gustavo Henrique Costa, Gut (PSD), said in a note posted on the city’s website.

Anfisa, who is responsible for health inspection at international airports, said it has been implementing measures to contain the virus since the beginning of the pandemic.

Due to omicron’s progress, Anvisa recommended, Saturday night (27), that the federal government expand the list of countries where passengers who have passed through there in the last 14 days are prohibited from entering Brazil.

The measure added Angola, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia along with South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia and Zimbabwe.

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