July 26, 2024

Shiv Telegram Media: Apple bans developer account, halting Epics EU game store and Fortnite iOS plans

2 min read
Shiv Telegram Media: Apple bans developer account, halting Epics EU game store and Fortnite iOS plans
Shiv Telegram Media: Apple bans developer account, halting Epics EU game store and Fortnite iOS plans

In a surprising turn of events, Epic’s plans to launch a version of its popular Epic Games Store on iOS in the EU have hit a roadblock. Apple has terminated Epic’s developer account, citing the company as “verifiably untrustworthy”. This decision has not only impacted the much-anticipated return of Fortnite to iOS but has also thrown a wrench in Epic’s plans to expand its store to iOS users in Europe.

The news comes after Epic had announced in February that they would be launching an iOS version of their store following Apple’s compliance with the EU’s Digital Markets Act. Epic had even confirmed that they had received an Apple Developer Account and were planning to officially launch the store on iOS later this year.

However, Apple’s sudden termination of Epic’s developer account has put a halt to these plans. Apple claims that Epic is not acting in good faith and is not to be trusted. In response, Epic has accused Apple of undermining competition and sending a clear message to developers about the consequences of trying to compete with the technology giant.

As a result of the termination of their developer account, there will be no iOS version of the Epic Games Store or a return of Fortnite to iOS in the near future. Epic’s legal battle with Apple is expected to continue as both companies stand their ground in this ongoing dispute.

This setback is sure to disappoint iOS users who were looking forward to accessing the Epic Games Store on their devices. It remains to be seen how this conflict between Epic and Apple will ultimately unfold, but for now, iOS users will have to find alternative ways to access their favorite games. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

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