October 10, 2024

Sony is taking back and offering a free upgrade to Horizon Forbidden West

2 min read
Sony is taking back and offering a free upgrade to Horizon Forbidden West

last Thursday , Sony announced special editions of Forbidden horizon west She confirmed that to get the PS4 and PS5 version, this can only be done by purchasing the Deluxe Edition. Many were surprised, and after several complaints from around the world, Sony backed down.

Read the statement from Jim Ryan on Play Station.

Thursday was supposed to be a celebration of Horizon Forbidden West and the incredible Guerrilla team working to deliver on February 18, 2022. However, it’s quite clear that the offers we confirmed in our pre-order have missed the mark.

Last year, we committed to offering free updates to multigenerational launch titles, which included Horizon Forbidden West. While the profound impact of the pandemic has pushed Forbidden West out of the launch window we initially envisioned, we’ll stick with our offer: players who purchase Horizon Forbidden West on PlayStation 4 will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version for free.

I also want to confirm today that in the future, PlayStation-exclusive crossover titles (recently released on PS4 and PS5) – both digital and physical* – will offer a $10 digital upgrade option from PS4 to PS5. This will apply to God of War, the upcoming Gran Turismo 7, and any other cross-generational PS4 and PS5 exclusives published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.

– Jim Ryan, President and CEO, Sony Interactive Entertainment

* To upgrade an eligible PS4 game on disc to the PS5 digital edition, you will need a PS5 console with a disc drive. PS4 game discs cannot be used with the PlayStation 5 digital edition.

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