July 27, 2024

Tesoro Diretto: Government bond advances and interest rates on some fixed-rate securities are approaching levels seen in October 2021

4 min read
Tesoro Diretto: Government bond advances and interest rates on some fixed-rate securities are approaching levels seen in October 2021
Tesoro Diretto: Government bond advances and interest rates on some fixed-rate securities are approaching levels seen in October 2021

The focus of domestic financial agents this Tuesday (4) is abroad, on a busy day in the United States. Market operators heard Bloomberg We believe that the rapid spread of the omicron variant should intensify Inflationary pressures in the economy – Which could lead the US central bank to make its first interest rate adjustment ahead of schedule.

The gap between the yield on 10-year US Treasuries and two-year notes is widening this week, suggesting that the yield curve may be steeper, according to analysts.

In this context, the general stock market traded in Tesouro Direto operates with a clear rise in prices. Some fixed-rate securities are advancing up to 30 basis points (0.30 percentage points) in the second update Tuesday afternoon.

In the case of the previous Treasury 2024, the interest shown in this paper was 11.30%, at 3:20 PM. This percentage is higher than the 11.04% recorded earlier today and 11% recorded yesterday. The last time the premiums for this bond were above 11.30% was on October 21, 2021.

At the same time, fixed-rate notes maturing in 2031 and paying semi-annual interest offered a yield of 11.12%, versus 11.01% at the start of trading and 10.94% recorded the day before.

Among the inflation papers, the real reward for the IPCA + 2026 Treasury increased from 5.11% to 5.15% annually. Similarly, bonds due in 2030 and semi-annual interest offered a rate of 5.23%, up from the 5.18% seen yesterday.

Check rates and rates for all government bonds available for purchase at Tesouro Direto presented on Tuesday afternoon (4):

direct treasury rates
Source: Tesouro Direto

international radar

Externally, the US manufacturing PMI fell to 58.7 in December, down from 61.1 in November.

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The data was provided today by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). Analysts heard The Wall Street Journal Expect a smaller decline, at 60.0.

Also in the US, the Labor Department showed that today the country opened 10.5 million jobs in November, compared to a consensus of 11.07 million. Information contained in the Employment and Vacancy Report (Jolts, its English acronym) submitted this Tuesday.

The document has been cited by the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, as one of the tools the monetary authority uses to monitor the health of the US labor market.

On the international scene, too, investors follow the news from the sources they hear Reuters The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies (OPEC +) have reached an agreement to maintain the increase in oil production. Members of the organization meet today to decide on the subject.

The producer group has raised its monthly production target since August by 400,000 barrels per day.

Fill out servers and waive payroll

On the domestic scene, attention is being paid to mobilizing central bank employees against the government’s decision to introduce amendments only to federal police officers and some employees in the health field this year.

The National Union of Central Bank Employees (Signal) has already decided that it will join the strike movement scheduled for January 18. According to newspaper information Folha de Sao Paulo, nearly a third of British Columbia workers have committed to turning down senior employees, if called on to take them, in a manner similar to what was already happening among inspectors from federal revenue.

Among the federal revenue inspectors, Sindifisco (the category consortium) estimates that 1,237 auditors in leadership positions have given up their costly jobs. Agricultural tax auditors also began mobilizing last week.

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Also in the political arena newspapers S.Paulo . State e Folha de Sao Paulo We note that the presidential sanction for extending the payroll exemption to 17 sectors without adopting tax measures to compensate for the R$9.1 billion loss in the 2022 batch has triggered an alert in the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU).

according to State of Sao PauloTechnicians at the Transfers Controller warn that the compensation end is artificially opening up space in the spending ceiling, a rule that limits expense growth to inflation variance. The expected value of the tax exemption in 2022 with the exemption is R$ 9.08 billion.

When asked, according to Estadão’s report, the Economy Ministry did not say whether it would recalculate the roof and only said that the exemption’s deputy does not create new space under the roof.

Bolsonaro in hospital

Investors are also watching the health of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). According to the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, the country representative will not undergo surgery to correct an intestinal obstruction.

According to the article, the decision to rule out surgery, at least for the time being, was made by Doctor Antonio Macedo and informed members of his team. But this has not yet been officially confirmed, according to the newspaper.

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