July 27, 2024

Texas school shooting leaves injuries | Globalism

1 min read
Texas school shooting leaves injuries |  Globalism
Texas school shooting leaves injuries |  Globalism

A shooting injured a high school in Arlington, Texas, local police said Wednesday (6).

“We are at the scene of a shooting at Timberview High School,” the company said in a statement. We run searches with the support of multiple clients.

According to the American radio NBC, “several casualties” were recorded, but there is no specific number. The channel quoted police sources for information.

There is no information on the authorship of the work and the motives behind the crime.

Police in front of the American College after the Texas shooting – Photo: Injab/NBC

Television broadcasts showed at least 8 fire engines and ambulances parked in front of the school.

Car lines form at the entrance to the enterprise. According to the local report, they are the two parents who are trying to take their children after the shooting was suspected.

Texas school shooting – Photo: G1 World

Arlington police said there is a safe place where parents can pick up their children, who will be taken from the school perimeter in a bus operation.

An emergency service employee even said on a social network that a police helicopter was apparently looking for a suspect in the area.

Arlington is a city of 395,000 residents located in the Greater Dallas area.

The report is updated.

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