July 27, 2024

The bar owner hides the camera in the bottles and records the women in the bathroom

2 min read
The bar owner hides the camera in the bottles and records the women in the bathroom
The bar owner hides the camera in the bottles and records the women in the bathroom

Spain’s national police have arrested a Mallorca bar owner, after his customers accused him of filming women in the bathroom using cameras hidden in bottles.

According to information released by the Spanish authorities, the 42-year-old businessman, whose identity has not been revealed, has been practicing this criminal practice for years. In his home, investigators found 44 memory cards, 32 gigabytes of material, a total of five thousand videos were collected with him.

So far, at least 38 women have been identified in the footage. The innkeeper was arrested, but later released to respond to the operation freely. According to the police, there are no indications that the suspect shared the recordings with other people.

The case arose after a customer found a camera hidden in a bottle next to the toilet in the women’s bathroom. The filming equipment contains a motion sensor and the police recognized the businessman because he always went to check the cameras were working.

In a video posted by the Spanish police on Twitter, the investigator advised the women that, when they enter a public restroom, and notice something suspicious that could harm their integrity, they report the case to the relevant authorities.

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