September 9, 2024

The company was hit by Samsung and Apple

2 min read
The company was hit by Samsung and Apple

A sector leader in Brazil, the beloved company has not reinvented itself and was trampled by Samsung and Apple

A revolutionary and innovative company that sold millions annually and was always with the Brazilian public came to an end, giving way to Apple and Samsung.

This company changed the photography scenario in Brazil, marching so names like Apple and Samsung could run.

It is not easy to continue to innovate forever, it requires a lot of companies, and this stipulated the end of Kodak in Brazil, a company that revolutionized the national imaging market.

At the end of the 1970s, Kodak had 90% of film sales and 85% of camera sales in the United States, the main market in the world, and a very strong presence around the world (including Brazil). It had 100,000 employees and made billions.

The company currently has just 6,000 employees and has deflated over the past decade: the company sold the assets and patents it had built on decades of success and innovation.

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In fact, more than 120 years of history, the company was founded in 1889 and entered bankruptcy in 2012.

For fit, just look at what Kodak has already done for the photo scenario:

  • Creation of the first easy-to-use camera roll film.
  • The first pocket camera model, called Pocket Kodak.
  • Developing the first color film called Kodachrome.
  • Production of the first photographic camera with automatic exposure control and eight shutter speeds. Name: Super Six-20.
  • Invention of the first digital camera in 1975, but it remained as a prototype only.
  • Created your first DSLR camera already using memory cards.
  • A partnership with Apple created the first commercially available digital camera: QuickTake.
  • Invention of the first megapixel sensor.

What is the biggest mistake Kodak made?

The company is still in the process of manufacturing digital cameras, and is starting to see an innovative business being born alongside it, smartphones, namely Apple and Samsung.

Without innovation, as it has done for years, digital cameras become obsolete, no longer offering what a professional camera does, let alone the usual as smartphones have become.

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