July 27, 2024

The country’s beloved cell phone company is irresistible to the crisis

2 min read
The country’s beloved cell phone company is irresistible to the crisis
The country’s beloved cell phone company is irresistible to the crisis

The beloved cell phone company couldn’t resist the fall

Nokia was one of the largest cell phone companies in the country. Between 90 and 200, it was simply one of the largest companies in the world. But, with the advent of other brands, the company did not update itself enough and fell into oblivion.

Nokia’s perfect world began to unravel when Apple’s iPhones became so hot in the public eye. There a real market war will begin, which will end the Finnish giant in oblivion. The company was trying to launch its own operating system, but it was too late.

The mobile phone brand has been slow to innovate in the market (Photo: Clone/Internet)
Nokia has been slow to innovate in the market (Image: Clone/Internet)

Android and iOS have already fallen from the grace of the public and everything that Nokia can offer is no longer so attractive. The company even tried new things in order to regain the market it once ruled, but nothing worked, and it knew ruin after a few years.

What was the year of bankruptcy?

For those who do not know, in 2013, Microsoft spent $ 17 billion and acquired the entire mobile phone area from Nokia. The merger between the two companies resulted in many devices and lasted 18 months, when the name Nokia ceased to be stamped on Microsoft devices.

Nokia was one of the crowd's favorite mobile phones (Image: Clone)
Nokia was one of the crowd’s favorite mobile phones (Image: Clone)

Retreat from spare parts

In recent days, nothing else has been talked about, except for the famous brand of pots, TupperwareHer days may be numbered.

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For those who don’t know, the company recently admitted that there is a possibility of winding up its activities, as they saw their shares on the New York Stock Exchange drop nearly 50%.

“The company is doing everything it can to mitigate the effects of recent events and we are taking immediate steps to obtain additional financing and resolve our financial situation,” said Miguel Fernandez, CEO of Tupperware.

However, anyone who thinks that this is the first time that a crisis like this has happened to a large company is mistaken, because other traditional names in the trade are already out, and you have no idea.

Tupperware has had a difficult time with the company’s financial matters and is at risk of bankruptcy, after years of running in the market (Photo: Reproduction)

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